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The Twilight Club at Lake Boon - 1914 or 1916
Photograph taken at Lake Boon in either 1914 or 1916.
Front: Jinx Murray, Louis Sullivan, W. (Mc)Mann, Pat Murphy, Spec White, Jim Tobin
Rear: John Wall (Civil War Veteran), Edw. Ledgard, Ralph Lawton, Al Ledgard, Jim Ledgard, Jim Helferty,…
Front: Jinx Murray, Louis Sullivan, W. (Mc)Mann, Pat Murphy, Spec White, Jim Tobin
Rear: John Wall (Civil War Veteran), Edw. Ledgard, Ralph Lawton, Al Ledgard, Jim Ledgard, Jim Helferty,…
Twilight Club - Boston Police Detectives #1
James Clafkin, a Maynard man, who later became Deputy Supt. of the Boston Police, was an inspector at the time this picture was taken and as he also was a charter member of the Twilight Club for many years he brought his assoicates to Lake Boone for…
Twilight Club - Boston Police Detectives #2
Boston Police Detectives outing at Lake Boon.
Taken at the same time as picture 1999.127.
Front: Jim Ledgard, Deputy Superintendent James Clafln ( a charter member of the Twilight Club and a native of Maynard), ___?, Jim Hilferty, "Doc"…
Taken at the same time as picture 1999.127.
Front: Jim Ledgard, Deputy Superintendent James Clafln ( a charter member of the Twilight Club and a native of Maynard), ___?, Jim Hilferty, "Doc"…
Princess Arriving at the Twilight Club to pick up passengers from Catholic Services - 1912
For several seasons Mass was said at the Twilight Club until Association Hall was built in the rear of the club
Twilight Club Members and Guests - 1905
Club was made up from Maynard residents. . Built in 1904. Dissolved in 1964.
Scene at Lake Boon
George "Doddy" Woodart, part Native American, who lived at Lake Boon for many years as a caretaker and handyman around the cottages.
Lake Boon Landing and the "Princess" - 1920
The "Princess" carried passengers from the railroad and from the river boats around Lake Boon, stopping at several places.