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  • Tags: Lake Boon

Photograph taken at Lake Boon in either 1914 or 1916.

Front: Jinx Murray, Louis Sullivan, W. (Mc)Mann, Pat Murphy, Spec White, Jim Tobin

Rear: John Wall (Civil War Veteran), Edw. Ledgard, Ralph Lawton, Al Ledgard, Jim Ledgard, Jim Helferty,…

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James Clafkin, a Maynard man, who later became Deputy Supt. of the Boston Police, was an inspector at the time this picture was taken and as he also was a charter member of the Twilight Club for many years he brought his assoicates to Lake Boone for…

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Boston Police Detectives outing at Lake Boon.
Taken at the same time as picture 1999.127.

Front: Jim Ledgard, Deputy Superintendent James Clafln ( a charter member of the Twilight Club and a native of Maynard), ___?, Jim Hilferty, "Doc"…

On one of the trips around the lake

Occupied for several summers by a group from Maynard

For several seasons Mass was said at the Twilight Club until Association Hall was built in the rear of the club

Club was made up from Maynard residents. . Built in 1904. Dissolved in 1964.

George "Doddy" Woodart, part Native American, who lived at Lake Boon for many years as a caretaker and handyman around the cottages.

View of the first basin.

The "Princess" carried passengers from the railroad and from the river boats around Lake Boon, stopping at several places.

Likely the Twilight Club