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  • Tags: Lake Boon

Although labeled a view of Lake Boon, it is likely a view of the Assabet River looking up stream at Russell Bridge.

Photo of a group of women, dressed for an occasion, posed for a picture in front of a building at Lake Boon, June 1940.

Three views of the beach area and structures at Hanson's Beach. The right side of the building is the entrance with a snack bar and had a pin ball machine. The left part of the building was a changing area.

Four photos taken at Lake Boone of Girl Scout Troop III in June 1940 at Weavings Cottage, Hudson.

Photo of 4 girls in a canoe: Ann Hamlin, Anne White, Ann Hoffman, Eleanor Dimery.
Photo of 2 girls on the bank: Anna Luhaink, Shirley Garlick.…

A glass ashtray with a picture of Lake Boon on the bottom.

The Twilight Club was a social organization, founded by members of St. Bridget's church, which maintained a clubhouse on Lake Boone in Stow as a summer retreat for 60 years (1904-1964).

Paul Hilander, owner of the Maydale Spring Company of Maynard, owned a cottage at Lake Boon and had this sign over the front door. Later the cottage was owned by John Kennedy. The sign was reversed and lettered "Cuddle Doon". The cottage was…

A photo book of cottages, activities and people when the lake was a destination for summer life.

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Photo of youngsters taking a town-sponsored swimming class held at Hansen's Beach, Lake Boon.

Photo of youngsters taking a town-sponsored swimming class held at Hansen's Beach, Lake Boon.

Photo of youngsters taking a town-sponsored swimming class held at Hansen's Beach, Lake Boon.

Photo of youngsters taking a town-sponsored swimming class held at Hanson's Beach, Lake Boon.

Photo of youngsters taking a town-sponsored swimming class held at Hansen's Beach, Lake Boon.

Photo of youngsters taking a town-sponsored swimming class held at Hansen's Beach, Lake Boon.

Group photograph of a town swimming class held at Hansen's Beach at Lake Boon.