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"Original Pocahontas" Coal
United Co-operative Society
A promotional card supplied by Pocahontas Fuel Company of New York.
Assabet Coal Company
Delivery Slip and Guarantee
Receipts for delivery of coal to Joseph Boothroyd in the 1950's. His address was 166 Great Road.
Assabet Coal Company
A delivery slip for Assabet Coal Company dated April 8, 1957 to Mrs. Hermanson of 3 Field Street.
Assabet Coal Company & New Silos
A sepia photo of the new coal silos at the Assabet Coal Company. The picture was taken shortly after their installation in 1926. The photo has the following individual names identified: Jack----; Milton Whitney; Frank Foster Whitney; Arthur Malcolm;…
Boiler Room Employees - 1905
Coal was the main source of power for the mill complex in the early 1900s. The coal was brought to the mill by train and was unloaded and shoveled into the boilers by these workers.
Collection of Memorabilia - ca1900
A green and gold scrap album of greeting cards, calling cards, and Maynard business advertising cards, ca1900. Wm. F. Litchfield, Coal and Wood dealer, is one of the businesses. The scrapbook belonged to Reba Taylor.
Dressing and Slasher Room Assabet Mills Employees - 1905
Taken at the coal pile on Walnut Street before the installation of oil. The men in the picture are the second hands and employees of both departments which were under one head.
E. Henderson & Co. Invoice
An invoice from E. Henderson & Co. to the Finnish Working Men's Association. The invoice is dated February 15, 1913. E. Henderson & Co. were dealers in coal, wood, and coke.
Ice Pick
United Co-operative Society
The wood handle ice pick has advertising on the four sides:
1.RCA Victor
2.Gasoline, fuel, coal, coke, grain, bakery, dairy, provisions
3.Co-Op Best Milk and Cream
4. Compliments of United Co-operative Society, Maynard, Mass.
1.RCA Victor
2.Gasoline, fuel, coal, coke, grain, bakery, dairy, provisions
3.Co-Op Best Milk and Cream
4. Compliments of United Co-operative Society, Maynard, Mass.
Ice Picks
Whitney & Hastings
Given to their ice customers. Whitney & Hastings operated an ice, fire wood and coal company out of Maynard and South Acton.
Litchfield Bridge
Two plans that outline the construction of a private bridge for William F. Litchfield. The bridge was designed by New England Structural Co.
Maynard Coal Company Shovels and Scuttle
The shovels were used to put coal in kitchen and parlor stoves. These were distributed by Maynard Coal Company, Lehigh Wilkes-Barre Coal Co. and D&H all-rail coal.
Metal Plates on "W. F. Litchfield Bridge" - 1979
Plates read:1st - Erected for W. F. Litchield
2nd- The United Construction Co
Albany N.Y.
Bridge Co,
of N.Y.
The bridge was built in…
2nd- The United Construction Co
Albany N.Y.
Bridge Co,
of N.Y.
The bridge was built in…
Sales Slip
United Co-operative Society
Coal, Grain, Gasoline and Oil Receipt
This is for one barrel of ?
Sold to V. Hermanson
This is for one barrel of ?
Sold to V. Hermanson
United States Fuel Administration Application - 1918
Wm. F. Litchfield
Two applications, Litchfield and South Acton Coal, to buy and sell coal during World War I.