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  • Tags: interior

A sepia photo of a class (Grade 4?) in the Nason Street School.

A photo of Grade 5 at the Roosevelt School, dated 1927.

The Lady of Fatima statue is dressed according to the holiday.

A photo of Nason Street School sewing class.

These are the names on the back of the photo: Elizabeth Mahoney, Kate__, Jim Ledgard, Ruth Hunt, Joe Minko, Pauline Butterworth, Arvi Norgold, Marshall Frye, Constanzi Lalli, Jake__, Stan Staszewski, Agnes Anderson, George Waterhouse, Elizabeth Maly,…

The Main Street School, Woodrow Wilson School, was totally destroyed by a predawn fire on December 17, 1952.

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Two copies of a sepia photo of the Grade 3 class at the Nason Street School in the 1920's. The teacher is Catherine Finn.

Written on reverse side:
Paul Koski, Helen Brayden
Teacher is Miss Wood
Bancroft School, 1st Grade, 1926

Some of the students in this class:
Marie Colombo, Curtis Anderson, Bert Mariani, Margaret Christofono, Billy Glickman, Raymond Crowley, Janet Miller, Stella Lubin, Fred Keegan, Frieda Pietrich, Irene LeMoine, Bob Seder, Louis Bachrack, Helen Pyska,…

A sepia photo of the 1925 third grade class with its teacher, Miss Champion. The photo belonged to Albina Sinicki.

Albina Sinicki