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Programming language adaptive to the Vax operation system of digitals computers.

The VAX 8600 computer was released in 1984.

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Digital Equipment Corporation Library

Digital Equipment Corporation Library

Coupon for meat, fish, fats, cheeses, gasoline, and cigarettes. Also an extensive newsprint list of prices for goods set by the Office of Price Administration.

Bobbins were wound with the yarn that was used in weaving.

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The American Woolen Company built the houses off Parker Street and owned the variety store.

Family portrait of the Rev. Matthew A. Vance family:
Matthew and Emily, children Herbert, Priscilla, & John.

Matthew Vance was pastor of the Union Congregational Church from 1930 to 1939. According to census records the family moved to Ashland…

This is the first valuation for tax purposes of the property/assets in Maynard after incorporation in April, 1871. The source of income for the Town was from Poll Taxes, Personal Estate and Real Estate. The assessors were Asahel Balcom, Artemus…

Four volumes for the years 1879 - 1882 showing the taxable property/assets for each individual in the Town. The source of income for the Town was a Poll Tax, Personal Estate Tax and Real Estate Tax.

The Eastern Finnish Temperance People's League was founded in Maynard in 1911. There is a history of the League beginning on page 37 of this publication. It has been translated from Finnish to English by Roy Helander and attached.

Poster promoting a Valentine's Eve Dance at the Parker Street Hall with Ralph Weckstrom and his orchestra

A Valentine envelope made from a cream-colored paper. It was paired with a Valentine, mailed using a 1 cent stamp. The envelope is addressed to Miss Eva Edwards, Maynard, Mass.

The front and back side of a Valentine that depicts a woman dressed in Roman toga-styled dress. She is driving a cart decorated with flowers and led by a white dove. The inside inscription reads To: Anni, From: E. Paanaen.

A Valentine depicting a little boy and girl sitting under a tree on a bench. An inscription under the children reads "To My Valentine".