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New Year's Eve Party Tickets
Maynard Area Auto Club
The event was held at the Maynard Rod & Gun Club.
Charter Members - 1988
Maynard Area Auto Club
The MAAC was established in 1988 with the following original members:
Paul Barilone, Alan Bariteau, George Bilafer, Jim Boardman, Joyce Boardman, Les Boardman, James Boothroyd, Paul V. Boothroyd, Edward A. Byrne
George Carey, Paul Cobleigh,…
Paul Barilone, Alan Bariteau, George Bilafer, Jim Boardman, Joyce Boardman, Les Boardman, James Boothroyd, Paul V. Boothroyd, Edward A. Byrne
George Carey, Paul Cobleigh,…
Jacket Patches
Maynard Area Auto Club
Eight custom designed patches.
The auto club was active from 1988 to 2020.
The auto club was active from 1988 to 2020.
Bath Towel
Maynard Area Auto Club
A towel with the M.A.A.C. logo.
The club was active for 31 years, 1988 - 2020.
The club was active for 31 years, 1988 - 2020.
Promotional Autofest Hats
Maynard Area Auto Club
These hats were worn by the staff at the 1989-1994 auto shows.
Maynard Area Auto Club Newsletters
The Dipstick
A complete set of newsletters from MAAC inception in 1988 to its disbandment in 2020. The newsletters were published more or less monthly. The June 2000 copy is shown.
Centennial Monograph: The Horseless Carriage in Maynard
The automobile came into use shortly after the incorporation of Maynard. A short account of its introduction and growth of the automobile in town life.
Promotional Lead Pencils
The W. A. Haynes Co.
Grain - Lumber
Autos and Auto Trucks
Warren A. Haynes owned and operated a grain and lumber company as well as selling autos and auto trucks in the early 1900's. Haynes owned a large section of the land along the southeast corner of Nason St. and Summer St.
Folding Desk Calendar - 1975
Robert P. Whitehouse, Inc.
Whitehouse ran the Getty Gas Station at Paper Mill Corner on Powder Mill Rd.
Barber Chevrolet Mailing Promotion - 1956
The folded paper mailing has a Needles & Pins usage chart on the reverse side. This one was sent to Patrick Lalli. Promotional Automobile
The car was driven at the time Monster was headquartered in the mill.
Christmas Greetings Calendar - MaCone Bros, Inc.
Promotional 1931 calendar offered by MaCone Bros, Inc Chrysler automobile dealership of Concord.
Gulf Service Records Tab
Barber Chevrolet, Inc.
These are the sticker that were placed on the car door indicating what was serviced and when.
Great Road Dodge
This former automobile dealership was located on Great Road at the corner of Thompson Street.