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  • Tags: automobile

Great Rd. Garage Dodge.pdf
A black and white photo of John Coughlin standing next to a new Dodge car. Second photo is a 1940 Dodge.

Walter Boeske and an unknown customer. Boeske Brothers Rambler auto dealership was located on Brown Street (Rout 27). Rambler stopped producing automobiles in 1969, so we assume this photo is prior to 1970.

Arnold Anderson presenting an award to a youngster. Anderson Ford was located on Acton Street. The 1965 Ford Mustang gives us an approximate date for the photograph.

Tags: ,

Percy Taylor standing in front of the product.

Second photo: l to r
Front: Jim Mahoney
Center: Pat Murphy, Jack Keegan
Back: Bill Scully, Jim Hilferty

l to r
William Mahan (Lovell Bus Driver), Fred Strong, Jack Waara


Dr. Frank U. Rich and his daughter, Gertrude, are seen driving one of the first automobile owned by a Maynard resident.

The dealership was operated by E. Nelson at 9 Powder Mill Road, Maynard, Mass.

The file contains a history of the early appearance of the automobile, important dates and newspaper clippings.

Various year calendars, newspaper articles and miscellaneous information relative to the club.

Carl Swanson is the mechanic in the upper right photo.

This picture was taken on Main St. the day the Assabet Savings Bank was opened in the Riverside Block. The bank was located on the second floor. On the right is the Maynard Block, later the Masonic Building.
Front Seat: Fred Persons
Back Seat:…

This picture was taken at Lake Boon in the roadway leading up to the Association Hall in front of what was known as the Leicester Cottage.

A red Ford owned by Mr. Charles H. Persons about 1900. Front seat: Fred Persons, chauffeur; Mr. Bodfish. Back seat: Governor Bates (left); Mr. Charles H. Persons. Note the G.O.P. elephant on the roof in the rear. Taken in front of Mr. Person's store…

This was originally the old John Whitman place (farm) on Summer Street. It was purchased by the town in 1915 from Dr. Frank Rich for the purpose of building a high school. The house is now located on Florida Road and is currently a two family…