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Back: Coach Ed Coughlin, J. Mitzcavitch, W. Ojelhto, Fraser Forgie, George Lowney, J. Marcus, A.R.C. Cole (Principal)

Center: George Grondahl, M. Stuckert, A. Frigard, P. Sims, Waino Saarinen,

Front: Albert Lerer, manager;…

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Front: ___?, Matthew King, ___?, __O'Donnell

Center: Coach Ed Coughlin, Joseph Mitzcavitch, Albert Lerer, M. Stuckert, Fraser Forgie, Walter Jones, A.R.C. Cole (Principal)

Back: Joe Kamish, H. Barlow, W. Ojekehto, Aine Frigard, J.…

A photo of students in Grade 9, MHS, dated 1916.
(l to r):
Front: John Kane, Harold Croft, Grant Denniston, Ernest MacDonald, Andrew Oja, John Moynihan, John Dwyer, Robert Sheridan, Paavo Jarvinen, Edward Cuddy, Reginald Jones

Second: Fannie…


A sepia photo of a Grade 1 class in front of the Bancroft Street School. Bertha Saari ( Bentsen), in checkered dress, is the daughter of Oscar and Matilda Saari.


Bertha Saari (Bentsen), 3rd from left - 1st row, is the daughter of Oscar and Matilda Saari.


Hamblin Garland, Foster Whitney, Billy McInnis, Kamish, H. Swanson, H. Cahoon, Emma Whitney, Dot Jordon, H. Hooper, Pearl McAuslin, H. Clark, Kessler, Everett Sweeney, Croft, B. Taylor, Dorothy Bl__, A. Newton, Edith Underwood, Anna Coughlin

Two First Grand Ball Dance Cards held in Co-0perative Hall, Maynard, Thanksgiving Eve, Wednesday, Nov.29.

Floor Director: Thomas A. Sweeney
Aids: Charles Weaving, Brooks Reed

Music: Buckley's Orchestra of Ayer
Joseph Hall, Prompter

A history of this Polish cooperative presented by B.R. Koski at the Maynard Historical Society in 1969.

Presented to Maynard Hisorical Society by James B. Farrell

Presentation to Maynard Historical Society by B.R. Koski on January 30, 1966.

Information about The Italian Social Club of Maynard and the Roma Lodge No. 1103, Sons of Italy.

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Charles "Red" Manning, Mike Russo, Joseph Cierei, Bus Driver, Guy Perrillo, Angelo Cierie, Tony Mistretta, , Dan Dentino, , Joe Lattuca, Social Club Manager, Tarny Colombo

Joe Mancini (Bus Driver and Owner), Jimmy Tannuzzo, Tarney Colombo, Red Manning, Tony Mistretta, Guy Perrillo, Louie Primano, Gandolpo Macari, Mr. Cereino, Angelo Cereino, Ernest Russo, Bert Gruber, Mike Russo, Frank Squash

Located at the 1st Basin of Lake Boon where the Stow Town Beach is currently located. The Lincoln Club was the first club cottage built at Lake Boon and its members were mostly railroad men. Several members came from Marlboro.


James P. King, Principal; Ann Pasakarnis, Class Advisor

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Top: Benhardt Pekkala, Robert Katvala, John May, Lauri Pekkala, John Trachim, John Jakusik, Charles Pleskowicz, Jr., Charles Blanchard, Paul Koski
2nd: Edward Chodynicky, Harold…

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Front: George (Speck) White, George Lynch (Joe Tucker?)

Back: Cornelius Lynch, Jim Farrell, Ed Billet, Hugh Miller

Cornelius J. Lynch owner of the Middlesex Cigar Mfg. Company was the manager of the bowling team. "Speck" White was…

2nd from left is Marion Gladys Townsend, daughter of Benjamin F. and Louisa Carter Townsend
