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The Annual Concert Program with 34 pages of sponsors.
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Front: Alan F. Palmer, Wilder X. Macurda, Gavin A. Taylor, Hazel Hooper, Frank T. Holland, Harold A. Merriam, George E. Lawton
Center: Edwin Carlton Jr., William T. Merriam, Hiram…

The book describes the impact of land taking from the families that occupied the 3100 acres that became the Maynard Ordnance Supply Depot in the early years of World War Two.

A letter to the Textile Workers Union Local #140 regarding the permanent closing of the Assabet Mills, dated June 10, 1952. The letter speaks to the provisions for the soon-to-be unemployed Union member during and after the closing date, 30 days…

Lister 011e.jpg
A Banner for the Textile Workers Union #771, Maynard, displayed on a wooden rod.

A series of five Textile Union Membership Cards for Emil Salmi, dated 1918, 1942, 1947, 1949, and 1950.

The Woodrow Wilson School burned in 1952. These two texts were collected from the rubble.

This appears to be a photo of technicians testing a core memory module with a Digital Equipment Corporation memory tester.

A set of 78 color photographs of the testimonial for James V. King, held November 13, 1977, at Alphonse's Restaurant, Rte. 62, Maynard, Mass. The testimonial was a celebration of 45 years of service by James "Jimmy" King in the Town of Maynard.…

A photo album with pictures of Joseph Boothroyd and the attendees at a Massachusetts State Council, Knights of Columbus Testimonial Dinner.

Photo: Margaret (Sullivan) Boothroyd in center with Joe in back on the right.

From Friday, Nov 22, 1940 issue of The Maynard News

Impressive Testimonial to Maynard’s First Volunteers
Sofka and Kangas Presented With Wrist Watches Sunday Night
Maynard – The blowing of fire whistles and screaming of sirens blared a…

A series of photos taken at the time of a testimonial for Dr. Hooper. See 1999.2120 for a program of the event.

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A program brochure honoring Judge Howard A. Wilson upon his elevation to Justice of the Concord District Court. He was appointed by Governor Allen to succeed Judge Prescott Keyes. The banquet took place June 16,1930. Leslie W. Sims was the…

A 'gold' coin celebrating the Tercentenary of the Massachusetts Colony, 1630-1930.

A reproduction of a ten dollar note from 1834. It has no value and is deemed a fake.

A sepia photo of the Temperance Union women carrying a flag in a parade, ca 1921. The store behind the women is Eusemi's Market, it has since burned.

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Front row: __?, __?, Margaret Maley, __?, __?, John Murray

2nd row: William Punch, __?, Fr. Albert Crowley, __?, Jim Mullin, __?
Back row: Jim Hilferty, __?, Francis White, Mike Murray, Mike Mullin, __?

A black and white photo of a function at the Temperance Hall in the late 1940's.