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  • Tags: Maynard Industries

Irving Burg, managing partner of Maynard Industries, standing in front of occupants list at the former Assabet Mills. The mill was purchased by Maynard Industries in 1954 from the American Woolen Company and sold to Digital Equipment Corporation in…

A cellophane product from Dennison Mfg., a tenant of Maynard Industries located in the Maynard Mill.

This was a confidential report to the Directors of the Bradley Container Corporation after its first year of operation. It is a first-person account, presumably by the company president, Bradley Dewey (or another high-ranking executive).

An account / recollection of the history of Bradley Container Corporation by an employee of the company. Details the introduction of the plastic tube to the U.S. market (a forerunner to the plastic toothpaste tube)

Two letterheads from the Bradley Container Corporation

Three pages from the American Can Company 1963 Annual Report featuring products and employees of the Bradley Container division of the company which was located in the Mill complex.

Bradley Container job and seniority lists in 1957.

Maynard Industries owned and operated the mill from 1953 to 1974.

A collection of documents, newspaper clippings and a history of Maynard Industries, Inc.

These photos of various mill buildings where taken when Maynard Industries, Inc. was the owner.

Aerial view of the mill when it was owned and operated by Maynard Industries, Inc. (1953-1974).

Pictured here are the first seven women to become regular employees (in the factory division) of the Bradley Container Corporation located in the mill.

l to r
Catherine DeGrappo, Ellen Barnes, Delfina B. DeMambro, Margaret T. Piecewicz, Natalie…

Irving Burg wrote this history of the mills in Maynard at the time they were owned and operated by the Maynard Industries, 1953-1974.