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  • Tags: Samuels Studio of Photography

Two white, plastic purchase bags with Samuels Studio logo, Photography, 8 Waltham St, Maynard, MA

Two color photos of the crash into Samuels Studio in 1980.

Located on Waltham Street next to Samuel's Photography.

Also visible are the sign for "Middlesex Launderers & Dry Cleansers" (Fur Storage) and Tarny's Barber Shop.

The first photo is 1968, the second in 1970 after a remodeling. The third photo a few years later.

Located at the corner of Powder Mill Road and Waltham Street.

A black and white photo of the lobby of the Fine Arts Theater.

Two Mill Clock Tower Centennial postcards produced during the 1992 Tower 100th year celebration. Photo is by Samuels Studio, Maynard, MA. The Clock Tower was erected in 1892 and sits atop the historical American Woolen Mills which graces the center…

One original copy of a colored photo of the Mill Clock Tower, numbered 52 out of 100. This is a Limited Edition Original Art Decor Image created by Alphonse Micciche Master of Photography, Samuels Studio, Inc., Maynard, MA. This image retailed for…

l to r
Oliver Warila, Bert Ruotsala, Hilma Hytonen, Mary Kukkula, Annie Swanson, Laura Salminen, Lyyli Kemppinen Nelson, Irja Jokela Jarvi, Laina Allen, Arvi Stabell, Reino Tuomanen

Original applications for PO Boxes by:

1. Gruber Bros by Julius Gruber, 6/24/35

2. S. Warsewicz & Annie Bygot, 3-20-30

3. Assabet Institution for Savings, 12-30-30

4. Samuels Studio by R. Samuel Micciche, May 2, 1939

Postmasters were…