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  • Tags: fire

The Odd Fellows Building was built in the late 1890's for Julius Loewe who had a pharmacy in one part of the store. There was also a jeweler and a men's clothing store. On the second floor was a hall where several of the local organizations held…

Aftermath of a fire on 16-20 Main Street, home of Salmone's Market and Massa Bakery. The fire was declared to be a work of arson.

Sudbury Firefighter George Place leaning on truck, off duty Sudbury Firefighter Doug Allen with hand on forehead, 2…

Photograph taken from a ladder truck at the 16-20 Main Street fire (presumably after it was under control). (Acton FD?)

Firefighters at a residential fire on Acton Street

Speculating that this building fire was on Main Street (177 Main) The business appears to be television/radio store.


The remains of the Center Factory Outlet store located in Creighton's Block (94 Main Street)

Former Maynard House on fire. The house was located at Darmouth and Elmwood Streets. At the time of the fire the house was owned by Anthony Taryma.

Amory Maynard's mansion on "Maynard's Hill" now Dartmouth Street. Built about 1873 and occupied by Amory Maynard and family until his death in 1895. Destroyed by fire in the early morning in July 1965. At the time of the fire the house was owned by…

MFD on scene of an auto accident at intersection of Summer and Nason Streets

Fire in Maynard at an unknown location.

Photo of the fire damage done to Joey Lombardi’s barn

Photographs of the aftermath of a barn fire and MFD team members:
Far right: Marty Gruber
Third from right: Eddie Murphy

Presumably on Summer Hill.

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Aftermath of the fire at Brackett Appliance Company on Harriman Court.

This building was also known as "Flood's Barn"

Maynard Firefighter Peter Morrison on ladder with helmet off.

Building Fire, unknown location

This house, the property of the Maynard Country Club, was all that remained of the once large Calvin Whitney farm. It was from this farm that Daniel Conant, a minuteman, left for the Old North Bridge at Concord on the morning of April 19, 1775. The…

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The first and third photo shows the car barn before the fire and after it was rebuilt. The other photos show the structure after the fire.