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  • Tags: tool

This is noted as the 'Famous Wrench for the Famous Panels from Digital'.

This axe was presumably made in Stow. It bears the name of O. Sawyer and J. Rogers (etched in smaller letters below Sawyer) on the blade. It was found in the old barn at William Salo's. The Salo barn stood for many years on Great Rd. at the…

A plumb line in a chalk filled container.

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A trimmer used to cut cigars from 3 to 6 inches. The trimmer was used by George E. White, who owned and operated a cigar manufacturing shop in the basement of the Masonic Block, Main St., from 1916 to 1922. His brands included "Middlesex" -10…

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This cigar maker's cutting block was used by George White, with a possible hand-me-down from John Connors and Cornelius J. Lynch, prior owners of the cigar business.

Used by George E. White, who owned and operated a cigar manufacturing shop in the…

This is a type of mallet used on a farm for heavy duty work.

Half of a wooden block and tackle tool used for hoisting in barn settings and assorted construction situations.

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A home-made screwdriver made from a spindle used in wool spinning. Handle made of washers cut from old belt leather. Made by Wiliam Baron's father in the Assabet Mills.

These were the property of J. Leo Comeau, who was the last of the icemen to make deliveries in town. He delivered ice right up to the day he was stricken in May 1965. He used the apron when carrying the ice.

In 1849 when the Marlboro Branch of…

An ice pick from the W. O. Strout & Co.

An iron wrench with three raised articles on the reverse side. The numbers 1 & 2 seem to be clear. The third raised article in the center is difficult to read.

This tool was used to measure board feet in a pile of lumber.

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This wooden tool was used to measure board feet in a pile of lumber.

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An old, green-painted bucksaw approximately 125 years old, used to cut cord wood.

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An old steel hand drill.

A small, vintage screwdriver.

An old iron scale used for measuring. This is an antique decorative butcher's steelyard. An English, cast iron weighing instrument, dating to the late 18th century, circa 1800., and includes the original 'Pear' weight.

A drawknife is a traditional woodworking hand tool used to shape wood by removing shavings. It consists of a blade with a handle at each end.

They are ancient tools used by Viking Shipwrights in 100 A.D.

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A ratchet brace drill is a hand-tool used to drill holes or nails into wood.

While a brace was an efficient tool when the crank could be swept in a full circle, it became much less useful if something obstructed a full sweep. The invention of a…

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The calipers shaped as female legs have the following markings: F. T.; J.C.; JJ
