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MHS Athletic Hall of Fame Inductions Program - 2009


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MHS Athletic Hall of Fame Inductions Program - 2009


Program from the 2009 Induction Ceremony for the Maynard High School Athletic Hall of Fame, held November 21, 2009, at the Maynard Elks Hall. The booklet contains the Hall of Fame Mission Statement; a letter from Ed Mullin, Committee Chairman; a list of committee members; a list of donors; inductee summaries; a list of past inductees; sponsor advertisements; and the MHS Alma Mater.

2009 Inductees are:
- Richard "Dick" Lawson - Athletic Director, Coach, and Teacher - Class of 1928
- Gene Robinson - Football, Basketball, and Baseball - Class of 1949
- Jerry Robinson - Football, Basketball, and Baseball - Class of 1949
- Marjorie (O'Connell) Morrissey - Field Hockey, Basketball, Cheerleading, and Softball - Class of 1950
- Martha Whittemore - Physical Education Teacher and Coach - 53 years
- Owen Duggan - Basketball and Baseball - Class of 1952
- Mary Ann Matson - Field Hockey and Basketball - Class of 1956
- Bruce Koskinen - Football, Basketball, and Baseball, Teacher and Coach - Class of 1959
- Gene Newman - Football and Track - Class of 1971
- Ben Taylor - Basketball and Track - Class of 1971
- Robin Dequette Duncan - Field Hockey, Cheerleading, Track, Basketball, Softball, and Cross Country - Class of 1979
- Cyril Clark - Football and Track - Class of 1987
- Sean Curry - Football, Basketball, Baseball, and Track - Class of 1988
- Kari Finnerty - Soccer, Basketball, and Track - Class of 1993
- 1932 Football Team: Al Lerer, Coach; Charles Manty, Assistant Coach; Oiva Hintsa; Jimmy Malcolm; Paul Kendra; John O'Leary; Fred Johnson; John O'Toole; Mike Ignachuck, Captain; John Murphy; Johnny Malcolm; Bob Duggan; Richard Archer; John Thompson
- 1961 Girls' Basketball Team led by Seniors: Sandy MacDowell, Arlene Chyzus, Carol DeRosa, Judy DeGrappo, Sandy Melanson, Judy Martino, Ann Martucci, and Lee Darcy, Martha Whittemore, Coach


21 Nov 2009


Ed Mullin
The Estate of Martha A. Whittemore




Stapled paper booklet with cardstock cover, 8.5 x 11 in, 28 pages
Five copies
Beacon Villager article, not assessed, digital copy only, included for completeness

Document Item Type Metadata


Hall of Fame Committee 2009:
Edward J. Mullin, Chairman
Herb Symes, Vice President
Catherine M. Kulevich, Treasurer
Mary Brannelly, Secretary
Jennifer Erb Adams
Elizabeth Fairweather
Sandi Hannon LeBlanc
Theresa Kraemer Lamoureux
Paul LeSage
William Mullin
Jen Lucas Wilson

James Fenton & Sons Contracting, Inc
Fenton Landscape Contractors, LLC
McWalter-Volunteer Insurance Agency, Inc
Assabet Valley Tree
Gallant Insurance Agency, Inc
Blaine J. DeFreitas and Associates
Acton Funeral Home
Martin & Doran Funeral Home
Crossroads Cafe
Fowler Kennedy Funeral Service, Inc
Pleasant Cafe, Inc
Clock Tower Place
Wellesley Management
JoJo's Sports Bar, Restaurant, and Lounge


School Photo Cover folder