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  • Tags: Finnish

A formal, sepia-colored photo of Mary Holt,

Stage curtain is canvas on a wooden roll which was raised and lowered via pulleys. The photo is undated but electicity was availabe (see light bulbs), sometime after 1900.

On floor, 2nd from left: Elli Yuojarvi
3rd row (standing) l to r: Pekka…

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Front Row Sitting (7): Helmi Hilander, Sandra Maki, Hermanni Savikoski (groom), Anna Suorsa (bride), Jeeli Savikoski, Hannah Savikoski, Elviira Hiltunen - child standing is the son of Vaino & Tyyne Keto

Second Row (12): Emma Aho holding…

See 2021.464 for additional information about postcard.

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Front : Jim Lucchesi, John Ojalehto
2nd: Frithioff Tofferi, Jesse Sikila, Ivar Sjoblom, William Lehto, William Sjublois, Victor Hotakainen, Oskar Tofferi, Oskar Ahola, Katti Ruska, Toivo Frigard, Hjalkar Saarinen, William Kickola,

The hall was built by the Finnish Workingmen's Socialist Society in 1909 and enlarged in 1916. It was used for dances, meetings, sports and dramatics. The top photo shows the Imatra Band in front of the balcony.

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A formal, sepia-colored photo of Selma Pirkola.

The son of Mary (Hammalainen) and Gustaf Jussila


Raising funds pin used during WWII to aid Finland's conflict with Russia.

One of Maynard's Finnish athletic clubs.

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Front: (on floor) Leslie Rivers, Roy Helander
1st row: Saimi Korsman, Mrs. Rahkonen, Hanna Weckstrom, Mrs. Anderson, Alma Saaristo, Saima Helander (with daughter Vivian), Mrs. Stansfield, Sandra Leivo, Mari Torppa, Helmi Ruotsala
2nd row:…

A course given by __ Lassila, visiting director at the Parker Street Hall.

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Front: ___?, Into Kallio, Hebry Salmela, Albert Kouppi, __Kangas, Ed Helander, ___?, ___?, Kaleva Tofferi, ___?

2nd: Irene Anderson, __ Sahlsten, Lauri Manning,…


With a textile mill as the center of employment (and economic power) for the first 75 years of Maynard's existence, it is not surprising that labor unions were deeply threaded through those years as well. A detailed chronology of labor unions in…

A history of the Finnish saunas in Maynard

Variously referred to as the "Finnish National Band" and the "1st Temperance Society Band"

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Front Row: Pekka Pekkala, Hugo Kajander, Matti Sarvela, Matti Hekkala, ___?, ___?, Erick Huikari, John Forssi

Center Row: Oskari Saari, __Hilden,…

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