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American Powder Company Employees - 1911
Sam Wilson 40 Years Surprise Party
l to r
Front: A. Chyzus, Jim Moynihan, Frank Rand, J. Moynihan, N. Jensen, Wilfred Hooper, J. Goodsell, Joe Crotty, Ed Mahoney, Bill Driscoll, Jim Goodson,
2nd: Bill Tobin, L. McCarthy, Bill Hooper, M. McCarthy, S. Rogers, Sam Wilson, G.…
Front: A. Chyzus, Jim Moynihan, Frank Rand, J. Moynihan, N. Jensen, Wilfred Hooper, J. Goodsell, Joe Crotty, Ed Mahoney, Bill Driscoll, Jim Goodson,
2nd: Bill Tobin, L. McCarthy, Bill Hooper, M. McCarthy, S. Rogers, Sam Wilson, G.…
Wool Sorters
Wool sorters seperate the the newly arrived wool and sort the fibers according to type, grade and length.
The Warping Room Employees - 1901
American Woolen Mills
A photo of employees who work in the Warping Department. These employees maintain machinery that uses strands of yarn to form heavier threads that will ultimately become a sixty inch finished width of fabric.
Weave Room Employees - ca 1900's
American Woolen Mills
Still Image of the employees in the perching weave room in the mill in the early 1900's. Left to right: James Keller, Frank Johnson, Thomas Wright, Harry Brooklyn, William McAuslin, Hiram Parkin, August Moynihan, Herbert Whitehead, and __ Smith.
Dry Finishing Employees
Employees of the dry finishing department 1905.
Front Row:
Second from left Albert C. Fourth from left P. Carbone
Front Row:
Second from left Albert C. Fourth from left P. Carbone
Assabet Mill Employees - ca 1900
Photo of young boys working at blending. Scored wool and other fibers are blended before carding. As of 1891, one eighth of the workers were less than 16 years old and made 5.5 cents per hour.
Photo of a team of pipe fitters who are part of the…
Photo of a team of pipe fitters who are part of the…
Drawing In Room Employees Assabet Mills 1905 Photo
Drawing In Room Employees:
Front Row:
Frank Riley, John Manning
Second Row:
Third Row:
Maude Turnbull,____,___,___,Albert Batley, Mame McCarthy, Clara Binks,___,____
Back Row:
_____, Jim Sheridan,_____,John Sheridan, Fred…
Front Row:
Frank Riley, John Manning
Second Row:
Third Row:
Maude Turnbull,____,___,___,Albert Batley, Mame McCarthy, Clara Binks,___,____
Back Row:
_____, Jim Sheridan,_____,John Sheridan, Fred…
Sewing Room Employees - 1904
American Woolen Company
Sewing Room Employees.
Starting with first row.
Margaret Keegan, Nellie McHan, Mame Kelly, Lizzie McHass, Cecelia O'Toole, Meg Scully, Net Binns?, Kate Sweeney, Sadie McGarrey, Frank Moynihan, Connie Desmond, Mary Callahan, Nellie Crotty,…
Starting with first row.
Margaret Keegan, Nellie McHan, Mame Kelly, Lizzie McHass, Cecelia O'Toole, Meg Scully, Net Binns?, Kate Sweeney, Sadie McGarrey, Frank Moynihan, Connie Desmond, Mary Callahan, Nellie Crotty,…
Dry Finishing Office Employees
Photo of Office Employees Dry Finishing Department.
Left to Right
Thomas Quirk, ____,_____,____, Tom Deane
Left to Right
Thomas Quirk, ____,_____,____, Tom Deane
Boiler Room Employees - 1905
Coal was the main source of power for the mill complex in the early 1900s. The coal was brought to the mill by train and was unloaded and shoveled into the boilers by these workers.
Dressing and Slasher Room Assabet Mills Employees - 1905
Taken at the coal pile on Walnut Street before the installation of oil. The men in the picture are the second hands and employees of both departments which were under one head.
Employees in Dry Finishing Department - 1931
Members of the dry finishing department at the American Woolen Mills 1931.
Group of Assabet Mill Employees - ca 1900
Sixteen employees of the mill taken in the early 1900's, formally dressed.
Assabet Mills - Overseers - 1921
Photograph of the overseers of the mill taken in 1921.
Left to Right
Front Row
1. Harry Burnham 2. James J Morgan 3. Everett Troope, Sr (alternate spelling Troup) 4. Charles Courtney 5. Frank Prue 6. Joseph Donohue 7. Albert Easthope 8. Thomas…
Left to Right
Front Row
1. Harry Burnham 2. James J Morgan 3. Everett Troope, Sr (alternate spelling Troup) 4. Charles Courtney 5. Frank Prue 6. Joseph Donohue 7. Albert Easthope 8. Thomas…
COOP Employees - 1920's
United Co-operative Society
l to r:
Front: __Rahkonen, Lauri Hiipakka, Lempi Eklund, Waldemar Niemela, ___?, Aili Saarela, Charles Hekkala, Bill Saarela
Center: Oskari Kallio, __Pajunen, Axel Salmi, Frank Mark, ___?, Katie Tofferi, Elsa Tofferi, Mary Kukkula, Aarne…
Front: __Rahkonen, Lauri Hiipakka, Lempi Eklund, Waldemar Niemela, ___?, Aili Saarela, Charles Hekkala, Bill Saarela
Center: Oskari Kallio, __Pajunen, Axel Salmi, Frank Mark, ___?, Katie Tofferi, Elsa Tofferi, Mary Kukkula, Aarne…
United Cooperative Society Employees - ca1930's
Front: Kusti Linna, Aili Saarela, Mary Kukkula, Arvo Rivers, Laina Walsh, Saimi Korsman, Ivar Dahiroth, Fred Uljua
Center: Burt Ruotsala, Charles Hekkala, Edward Helander, Arne Luoma, Oscar Laine, Albin Saaristo, Anton Anderson, August Lehto,…
Center: Burt Ruotsala, Charles Hekkala, Edward Helander, Arne Luoma, Oscar Laine, Albin Saaristo, Anton Anderson, August Lehto,…