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  • Tags: Finnish

Built in 1922 by the Maynard Finnish Workers' Federation. Destroyed by an early morning fire on Saturday April 30, 1932.

Members of the ALKU marching in a parade, June 1931. Many of these marchers were most of the people that worked in the kitchen and helped serve the dinner at the annual summer festival.

Front two right to left: Naemi Kajander, Esther…

Scene from the Finnish hist. play, "The Death of Elina", performed at the Parker Street Hall.

l to r: Huklah Nelson, Roy Helander, Waino Ojalehto, William Wehkoja, Ellen Hangas

The club presented a music event on March 14th, 1971 at Maynard High School. The program list many of the local companies as sponsers.

Officers of the club:
Harold Hicks , President
Robert Mayes, Vice President
Frances Schipper,…

Written presentation to the Maynard Historical Society by Helen Mark Ketola on November 19, 1969 and other information about the Club.

Front: Kusti Linna, Aili Saarela, Mary Kukkula, Arvo Rivers, Laina Walsh, Saimi Korsman, Ivar Dahiroth, Fred Uljua

Center: Burt Ruotsala, Charles Hekkala, Edward Helander, Arne Luoma, Oscar Laine, Albin Saaristo, Anton Anderson, August Lehto,…

Promotional almanac given to customers of the store written in Finnish.

A financial report written entirely in Finnish.


Various reports of the United Cooperative Society written entirely in Finnish.

A history of the United Cooperative Society with an emphasis on the first decade of the the Society.

Front Row: John Ojalehto, Frank Mark, Hjalmar Nieminen, ___?, ___?, Gustaf Linna, John Pulkkinen

2nd Row: __Seura, Senja Honkonen,N. H. Nystrom, ___?, Otto Fonsell , ___?, Waino Linna

3rd Row: ___?, Mrs Kammonen (?), John Kammonen, Lempi Mark,…

Front : Aino (Emma) Alatalo, Emma Weckstrom,_____?, Maria Laine, Iida Klemola, Lempi Raikunen

Center: Bertha Wirta, Sylvia Filppu, Aino Tarvainen, Mary Jarvi, Mary Kukkula, Elsa Heikkila, Selma Stansfield, Signe Heikkinen

Back: Impi Rivers,…

This program contains photos and a history written entirely in Finnish.

A photo of an outstanding track team during the 1920's. A team winning many events at several meets among the Finnish societies throughout the state.

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Ernest Luosalo, Aati Saarinen, Jacob Laurila, George Luosalo, Edwin Laurila, Evert…

A sepia photo of the Maynard Tarmo Soccer Team, dated 1918.
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Top:Sakari Marjamaa, Kalle Ahola, Mikko Hiipakka, Walfred Stein
Center: Karl Saarinen, Axel Tofferi, __?, __?, Edward Helander
Bottom: __?, Kusti Aromaa, __?

1923 photograph of the Imatra Band playing at the Voses Pavilion.

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Front Row (14): Frithiof Tofferi, Hugo Torppa, Helge Saari, Aarne Autio, Bill Mikkola, Waino Maki, Matti Autio, __Saarinen, __Poikonen, Eino Kauppi, Aimo Kangas, Alex…

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Four photos of the Maynard National Band.
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Front, seated: __Weeti, ___Taival, Reino Keto, Ilmar Johnson, ___?, Uuno Holt, Fiped Laurila, Henry Grandell, Toivo Keto

Back, standing: Antti Heiskari, Appo Visuri, Otto Nevala, William Manty,…