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Certificate from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts recognizing the incorporation of the Assabet Village Minutemen.

The Charter for the Maynard Consumers Credit Union, July 12, 1948. The Union was located at 56-62 Main Street, Maynard, Mass.

A Certificate of Registration of Bicycle was given to Elmer W. Mattson of 50 Glendale St., Maynard, MA, on September 18, 1942. The make of the bicyle is an Elgin, Model D, red & black color.

Signed by Henry F. Piecewiscz, Head of the Police…

Proclamations on behalf of Selective Service Registration were issued by Gov. L. Saltonstall following President Roosevelt's Proclamations. The Third Registration Day in Massachusetts was set for February 16, 1942, 7:00 am to 9:00 pm. The Fifth…

A map with promotional advertisements.

Two bound copies of Lessie Maynard's ancestors.


A compilation of articles that relates some of the highlights of Maynard's past.


A map of the origin and development of Digital Equipment Corporation from 1957 through 1986. The DEC Tree is an article that was published in the magazine "Computerworld" on September 24, 1986.

An article about Judge Howard A. Wilson, from the Concord Journal, June 12, 1930.

A newspaper clipping about the Lincoln, MA baseball team the Mohawks. Tom King's picture is posted in the article as a popular umpire for these and other local baseball games.

Maynard EmblemClubcookbook.jpg
A cookbook of donated recipes on behalf of the Maynard Emblem Club #205, Maynard, MA. It was sold as a fundraiser. The inside entry reads "In Loving Memory of Helen Ketola, Past State President, Past Club President". The book was edited by Sandy…

(same as 1999.704) Two photos of the map of the Town of Maynard, taken September 1969.


A large wall calendar posted thru the Maynard Police Department and sponsored by Manning Pharmacy.

A large wall calendar posted thru the Maynard Police Department and sponsored by Manning Pharmacy.

Carrier service was instituted in Maynard on May 1, 1920. The backwards lettering on the truck reads Maynard Laundry.

l to r
Harold V. Sheridan, James H. Eaton, George E "Speck" White, William A. Sweeney

Aerial view of the mill when it was owned and operated by Maynard Industries, Inc. (1953-1974).

A photo of the shot-putting contest at the Finnish Summer Festival.

A booklet describing the objective of the Society, monthly Scripture readings, and a listing of the Society's Officers for 1903.

Three spools of thread for sewing purposes.

An wooden antique switchboard taken from the Maynard Hotel.