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  • Tags: advertisement

A pencil with the Maydale Beverage Co., Inc. logo. The inscription reads: "25 Glendale St., Maynard, Mass., Phone Twin Oak 7-7071, Life is Great When you Carbonate".

A miniature thimble with the Maydale logo printed around the edge. Used perhaps for advertising.

An advertising card for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound from Charles W. Wells, Druggist in Maynard, Mass.

An advertising wallet for the Maynard Consumers Credit Union, 68 Main Street, Maynard, Mass.

An advertising matchbook for Middlesex County National Bank.

An advertising coaster for Middlesex Savings Bank.

A clothing brush from the New Idea Store. The New Idea Store sold clothes, shoes, and furnishings. It was located at 57-59 Main St., Maynard. The store closed in 1982.

An advertising pencil from Middlesex Launderers & Cleansers, Inc.

Advertising souvenirs for Hawes Florist, 1984. The inscription says "Think Flowers First", 70 Powdermill Road, Maynard, MA, 897-8081.

A glass ashtray advertising the Nelson Pontiac Co. The inscription reads "Nelson's Pontiac, Maynard, Tel 64 W".

This was a type of card given with a pack of cigarettes circa 1890. Sweet Caporal cigarettes sold for $.05 a pack of ten. A smoker had to keep inhaling on them or they would go out; not like the type today that burn down to the end. The picture is…

The business advertising on this promotion:
L. Roy Hawes, Florist; Dr. Donald O. Feltus, optometrist; Lovell Bus Lines; Maynard Men's Shop; Maynard Radio & Music Store; Elite Beauty Shop; W. A. Twombly Funeral Sevice

C. H. Persons was a dealer in pianos and organs, small instruments, and other musical merchandise. His store was located in the Riverside Block, Maynard.

A map with promotional advertisements.

An advertisement for Dr. Hess's Stock Tonic, a scientific compound of conditioner and worm expeller. This product is used by veterinarians and those raising stock animals.

Newspaper clippings pasted on a cardboard backing.

An advertising card for C.H. Persons "First Class Pianos and Organs".

An advertising card for C. H. Persons, seller of pianos and organs in Maynard, MA.

A card produced by Behning Pianos. It was used for advertising at C. H. Persons, Maynard, Mass.

post cards 007e.jpg
A card advertising Behning Pianos as sold by Chas. H. Persons Co., Maynard, MA.