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Front: ___?, Frank Vodokly, George Lowney

Center: ___?, Roy Marsden, John Manning, Harold Kelly

Back: Henry Piecewicz, Maurice Stuckert, Coach Bates, ___?, Harold Herbert

Built in 1922 by the Maynard Finnish Workers' Federation. Destroyed by an early morning fire on Saturday April 30, 1932.

1929 ELKS.jpg
This is a copy of an original photo that hangs at Gruber's Furniture Store. 1929 was the year that the Maynard Elks was instituted.

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Front: James Eaton, Theresa Murray, Mary Driscoll, Florence Gustafson, Mildred Carlson, Waino Tervo

Back: Charles DiStasio, Maude Cameron, Percy Dunlop, Gavin Taylor, John Donahue, Rachel Gates, Lauri Williams

Taken at St. Bridget's Church by Bob Talbourdet. Processed and mounted by members of 4-H "Rangefinders" of Maynard. Presented to the Maynard Historical Society by the group on Saturday December 19, 1970.

Two sepia pictures of a class at the Main Street School, Maynard, 1901-1902. Cham Ayotte is the second row, fifth from right.


A sepia picture of a third grade class in the 1903-1904 school year. Pictured with the class is the teacher, Miss Burke.


Centennial Medal Blue Paperweight 1.JPG
Grand Marshall Award, granted to the Main Charter Belles for their float, July 4, 1971 during Maynard's Centennial celebration.

Boston and Maine Railroad - South Acton to Boston Tickets

People involved in putting on the dance: James Claflin, Thomas A. Sweeney, Edward Ferns, M. E. Sheehan, D. W. Adams, George Whitney, P. J. Kivlehan, George Nelson.

A collection of 18 poll tax notices. Four are shown here.
The tax collectors during this time period where: Lorenzo Maynard, William Gutteridge, F. H. Salisbury, Arthur J. Coughlin


The program of events/speakers for Genealogical Day during the 1900 Merchants Week. Search "Merchant Week" (1999.2899) to view entire week program.

Two pocket notebooks offered by W. A. Haynes Company, Maynard, MA. The company was a dealer in lumber, brick, lime, cement, grain, feeds, hay, straw, fine carriages, wagons, and sleighs. The inside of the notebooks left room for an individual's…

The entire block was destroyed by fire in 1917. (see 1999.B37)

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Front: Tauno "Big Horse" Frigard, Maurice White, Hilary Kane
Back: Gerald Tierney, Mgr., __Tervo, Joe Sczerzen, __Jarvi, Don Lent, Coach.

A photo of "Grampy" Priest with the Town of Maynard Steamroller on Nason Street, Maynard, MA.

A photo of the Priest Family grave stone.