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Ticket for a party honoring Fr. Bilicky's 15 years at St. Casimir's Church. The party was held June 29, 1985 at the Concord Elks Hall. The event included a complete two main course dinner and dancing. The name Ralph L. Sheridan is handwritten on…

The first B & M passenger train from South Acton to Maynard was in July 1850.

A ticket for a historic trip from Maynard to Charlestown , Mass. by trolley. The trip was sponsored by the Maynard Congregational Church and cost $.75. The round trip began at the Maynard Post Office at 12:22 Noon, ending at the US Naval Yard,…

The binders that came in many sizes were used for all kind of paper storage throughout the corporation.

Three printer's cuts of the Maydale Bottling Co. used for advertising in the local newspapers.

These cards were to be used by the employees of the Assabet Mills for their severance pay at the time of the closing of the mills.

A paperback book entitled "Three Golden Apples" by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It is part of the Young Folks Library of Choice Literature. The book is dated February 15, 1895. Each publication is 5 cents.

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Glass insulators were first produced in the 1850's for use with telegraph lines. As technology developed insulators were needed for telephone lines, electric power lines, and other applications. In the mid 1960's a few people began collecting these…

Three music programs sponsored by the combined Finnish Societies of Maynard to raise money for Finland after the invasion by Russia in World War II. Tauno Hannikainen is the Guest Conductor. A soprano solo was performed by Madame Arvida…

Three electric indoor bells from the Fowler Junior High School, Maynard. The school was built in 1926.

A bayonet is a long, sharp blade that can be attached to the end of a rifle and used as a weapon.

Three wooden Assabet Mills shipping crate slats. These were remnants of shipping crates used to ship products.

A house and lot survey in the Thompson Street area. Thompson Court is now Park Street.


An advertising card for Thomas Wouldhave Apothecary, Maynard, Mass (Assabet, Mass).

A sepia-colored picture of the Thomas Naylor Shoe Store on the corner of Main Street and Nason Street. The picture shows five adults and three children, ca 1880.

A certificate of school attendance for Thomas Marsden dated June 23, 1915.

Thomas F. Lanigan
Private United States Army
182nd Infantry
Americal F Division

Born: 1911
Died: Nov 28, 1942

Tom was 31 years old and graduated from Maynard High School class of 1931.

Tom was a company cook. Per consensus of a number of…

Tom graduated form Maynard High School in 1966. He was the Superintendent of Public Works (1975-1988) including Tree Warden, Fence Viewer, Planning Board Agent.

Second photo - Occupancy Permitting meeting at Data Terminal System (off Acton St.),…

The house was built in 1899 by Thomas Hillis, attorney. It was occupied for many years by O. C. Dreschler while an agent at the Assabet Mills.


The house is on Summer Street, built 1899.