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  • Tags: Fire Department

The map was created to show the water system and fire protection for insurance purposes. It shows the structural components of the buildings and has myriad details about the town. see 1999.1492 for another copy

Two storage permits issued by the fire department to store oil on the premises.
1. To Mrs. Francis M. Coady, 60 Thompson St - 1933 - by Frank E. Parks, Fire Chief.

2. To Elmer H. Maynard, 43 Great Road - 1942 - by Richard Allan, Fire Chief.

Mr. Peters was the first official Maynard Fire Department Chief in 1890.

Photograph of Bob Whitehouse, owner of the "Flying A" service station located at 1 Powdermill Road. (The other people are not identified.) Bob was also a Fire Engineer for the Maynard Fire Dept.

This appears to be the Maynard Fire Department spraying water into the Assabet River from the roof of a Mill building.

This took place on Summer St by the Fire Station.

Carlo Mistretta (center), presumably at a fire.

The street seemed to have the drainage system clogged
and flooded.

Park street at Sherman St. was flooded probably from a backed up Drainage system.

This appears to be the Maynard Fire Department spraying water into the Assabet River from the roof of a Mill building.

Fire department was located on Nason Street at that time.

This picture was taken in the square in front of the ruins of Naylor Block which was completely destroyed by fire on February 11, 1917. The picture was taken the morning after the fire. (Alternate version is dated February 4, 1917 at…

William Quinn, shown in both pictures, with other fireman training with a 1935 Dodge pumper bought used by the Maynard Fire Department. The dealer plates can be seen on the truck. The pictures are taken on Great Road where it passes over the canal…

A collection of 22 pictures (7 shown) mounted on cardboard backing. Some of the scenes seem to be taken in the 1920's.

Driver has been identified as either Bill Quinn or Tony Collins.
Fireman, l to r: ___?, ___?, Arthur White, Gilly O'Donnell, Jack Matey, Albert Murphy, Bill Carney, Jack Croft, ___?, John Lawton

A program outlining activities honoring the fire department's 100th anniversary.

The file contains history, research notes, newspaper clippings, pamphlets and other materials pertaining to the department, proposals and bids, and letters of commendation.