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  • Tags: car barn

Car barn to the right, power house to the left of the Concord, Maynard & Hudson St. Ry.

Located on Great Road, later occupied by the Lovell Bus Company, Raytheon Co, Atkins and Merrill, Digital Equipment Corp., and Place Plastics.

This spike was found at the former carbarn of the Concord, Maynard and Hudson Street Railroad. It was likely used for the trolley tracks.

The ice house is located in the center of the photo with the Johnson Pharmacy advertising. In front left may be seen the ice run. In left background is the Assabet River Launch boathouse and the Concord, Maynard and Hudson Street Railway car barn…

This was the early days of the company - about 1906. Built in 1901 by Edward Price of Warren, MA. Destroyed by fire on the night of January, 25, 1918.
The power house is the brick building to the left.