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Lawton's Orchestra - ca 1900
l to r: George Lawton, Herbert Lawton, Jack Veitch.
The orchestra or sometimes referred as the LVL Trio was organized around 1900 and was under the direction of George Lawton. Herbert Lawton was a pianist.
Some of their appearances as gleaned…
The orchestra or sometimes referred as the LVL Trio was organized around 1900 and was under the direction of George Lawton. Herbert Lawton was a pianist.
Some of their appearances as gleaned…
Centennial Monograph: Dance Organizers
In the days before the canned entertainment of radio and television, people created their own diversions - and dances were immensely popular.
Centennial Monograph: Musicians, Orchestras and Bands
A chronology of music makers in Maynard from the 1900s through the late 1940s. (At the time of its writing, the centennial authors planned to update it through the 1960s).
File Folder of Musicians, Orchestras and Bands.
The file contains a history of music presented by Birger Koski to the Historical Society in 1967, programs of the various musical presentations, newspaper clippings, music belonging to the Maynard Glee Club, George E. Lawton and Mary Harriman, photo…
Maynard High School Orchestra - 1921
A photo of the Maynard High School Orchestra.
l to r
Front: Lillian Doyle, Mary Anelon
Second: Edith Boulden, Mr. Wood ? (Director), Dorothy Hannon, Thomas Burton Coughlan, Martin Gruber
Back standing: Charles Sweeney, Tom Prosper, Robert Parkin,…
l to r
Front: Lillian Doyle, Mary Anelon
Second: Edith Boulden, Mr. Wood ? (Director), Dorothy Hannon, Thomas Burton Coughlan, Martin Gruber
Back standing: Charles Sweeney, Tom Prosper, Robert Parkin,…
Maynard High School Orchestra - 1929
A black and white photo of the MHS Orchestra.
(l to r)
Front: Jennie Bygot, Harold Johnston, Ruth Hall, Irma Wirta, Stanley Sierkiewicz, Alice Fearns Mullin
Back: ___?, ___?, ___?, ___?, __Laukenstein, ___?, George Glickman
(l to r)
Front: Jennie Bygot, Harold Johnston, Ruth Hall, Irma Wirta, Stanley Sierkiewicz, Alice Fearns Mullin
Back: ___?, ___?, ___?, ___?, __Laukenstein, ___?, George Glickman
Polka Mass - Fr. Bilicky & Dick Pillar Orchestra - ca 1974
Polka Mass handout and Polka Mass record album insert of song lyrics.
The first Polka Mass on the East Coast was celebrated by Fr. Louis S. Bilicky of St. Casimir's Church in Maynard, Mass. and The Dick Pillar Orchestra. This Polka Mass was…
The first Polka Mass on the East Coast was celebrated by Fr. Louis S. Bilicky of St. Casimir's Church in Maynard, Mass. and The Dick Pillar Orchestra. This Polka Mass was…
Sheridan Orchestra 1921-24
Copy of a promotion for the Sheridan Wonder Orchestra, Frank C. Sheridan, manager.