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The Nason Street Diner (aka D's Subs, aka Maynard Diner, aka White's Diner, aka Hoffman Diner) was a classic American Diner located at 48 Nason Street from, at least the 1920s until the mid 1980s. (It was also listed as 50 Nason Street)


This is a summary account of how automobiles were introduced in Maynard spanning 1899 to early 1910s

Score: Maynard High School 3 vs Notre Dame High School 0

Saturday, October 12, 1963, at Notre Dame Crusaders Field, Fitchburg
Maynard’s Head Coach: Wilfred DeRosa
Backfield Coach: James Duggan
Line Coach: Harry Larsen
Junior Varsity Coach:…

Score: Maynard High School 28 vs Shrewsbury High School 14

Saturday, October 5, 1963, at Shrewsbury Junior-Senior High School Athletic Field
Maynard’s Head Coach: Wilfred DeRosa
Backfield Coach: James Duggan
Line Coach: Harry Larsen

Score: Maynard High School 14 vs Cambridge Latin High School 0

Saturday, September 28, 1963, at Alumni Field
Maynard’s Head Coach: Wilfred DeRosa
Backfield Coach: James Duggan
Line Coach: Harry Larsen
Junior Varsity Coach: Robert…

Score: Maynard High School 28 vs Clinton High School 6

Thursday, November 28, 1963, Thanksgiving Day, at Fuller Field Clinton
Maynard’s Head Coach: Wilfred DeRosa
Backfield Coach: James Duggan
Line Coach: Harry Larsen
J. V. Coach: Robert…

The Committee's report and recommendations to the Town voters relative to an Agreement with the American Woolen Company to supply street lighting for the Town.
P. J. Sullivan
George H. Hart
A. J. Coughlan
James F. Sweeney
C. H.…

Many of the Amendments involved the Annual Town Meeting procedures however one Amendment did establish a Finance Committee, its structure and responsibilities.

The letter from W. D. Searls, Vice President of the Bank, to W. H. Gutteridge, Maynard's Treasurer, indicates the Town was deceived and defrauded relative to Bond #112 of the Durham Water Works Company. It would seem that other fraudulent bonds with…

A document indicating a transfer of 3200 shares 'Taken by L. (Lorenzo) Maynard and transferred to himself'.

The stock sellers listed were:
A. G. Haynes
A. Balcom
T. Wouldhave
C. A. Walcott
J. W. Flood
Chas. W. Potter
W. H. Gutteridge
C H.…

Three apartment buildings were taken down to make way for a fast food restaurant. The property was owned by Howard Boeske , see thumbnail of him standing in front of debris.

Two blue hats with the Maynard Rotary logo

Score: Maynard High School 30 vs Clinton High School 9

Thursday, November 23, 1961, Thanksgiving Day, at Fuller Field Clinton
Maynard’s Head Coach: Will DeRosa
Assistant Coaches: James Duggan, Harry Larsen, and Alan Start
Athletic Director:…

An address by Francis W. White, President of the American Woolen, added to the Congressional Record by the Hon. Richard M. Simpson of Pennsylvania. Francis White's remarks were to the Lawrence, Massachusetts Chamber of Commerce addressing the reasons…

Score: Maynard High School 18 vs. Concord-Carlisle High School 24

Saturday, November 9, 1968, at Alumni Field Maynard
Maynard’s Head Coach: James Duggan
Assistant Coaches: Wilfred DeRosa, Harry Larsen, and Bruce Koskinen
Co-Captains: E. France…

Score: Maynard High School 14 vs Milford High School 6

Saturday, November 11, 1961, at Milford High School
Maynard’s Head Coach: Will DeRosa
Assistant Coaches: James Duggan, Harry Larsen, and Alan Start
Athletic Director: Richard…

Copy of a 1879 lithograph made into a postcard.