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A course given by __ Lassila, visiting director at the Parker Street Hall.

l to r
Front: ___?, Into Kallio, Hebry Salmela, Albert Kouppi, __Kangas, Ed Helander, ___?, ___?, Kaleva Tofferi, ___?

2nd: Irene Anderson, __ Sahlsten, Lauri Manning,…


Banner reads:


Parade not in Maynard.

A photo of the Finnish Temerance Society Parade, dated June 1931. Helmi Kajander Nyhlom is carrying the American Flag and Vivian Wiinikainen Kajander is carrying the Finnish Flag in a parade from Temperance Hall to Voses annual summer festival. This…

Two photos taken in the square showing the young people carrying the American Flag. The parade began at the Temperance Hall, corner of Main and Harriman Ct., and proceeded to Voses where they had an annual summer festival.

Junior Kanto Athletic…

l to r
Front: Taimi Wattu Sofka, Helen Mark Ketola, Aune Savikoski Ojalehto, Oscar Tofferi (Director), Aili Stabell Niemi, Evelyn Saari, Hulda Hill Nelson

Back: Helen Leverin, Bertha Saari, Impi Rivers, Sirkka Lehtinen French, Tyyne Glad Klemola,…

Two envelopes relating to the Massachusetts Socialist Party and the Finnish Workingmen's Association

Three copies of a photo of the Finnish Workingmen's Society Athletic Group, dated 1926.
l to r
Front (on floor): ___?, __ Heikkila
1st row: ___?, Kalle Ahola, Axel Salmi, John Kammonen, Edward Helander, Svante Kukkula, L. Warila, __Kanervo,…

l to r
Front: ___? ___?, Otto Fonsell, Mari Salmi, ___?, Reino Vuojarvi
2nd: ___?, Mary Salenius, ___?, Ida Jokinen, Annie Korsman, George Kansanniva, John Helander
Back: ___?, ___?, Lauri Jokinen, ___?, ___?, ___?

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l to r
Front: ___?,___?, Pekka Kemppinen, ___?
Back: ___?, Karl Nylund, ___?, Mikko Seppanen, __Sjoblom, ___?,___?

Stage curtain is canvas on a wooden roll which was raised and lowered via pulleys. The photo is undated but electicity was availabe (see light bulbs), sometime after 1900.

On floor, 2nd from left: Elli Yuojarvi
3rd row (standing) l to r: Pekka…

A photo of the Gymnasts of the Finnish Workingmen's Association.

l tor
Bottom Row: Kusti Aromaa, _?, Oskari Rasanen, Edwin Helander, Elli Wojarvi, __?

Center Row: Sanna Lindfors, __?, Anni Koivu, __?, Hilda Aromaa, Sofia Hautamaki, Annie Korsman

Top Row: __?, __?,__?, Reino Wuojarvi, __?, Edward Helander,…

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The seal is used to execute a legal document or guarantee the document's authenticity. A corporate seal is unique to a sealer and is used by government agencies, corporations and notaries public to show that the docum ent is validly executed,…

A list of alarm signals indicating location of a fire.

At the time of the fire T. C. Lando's and Salislito's occupied the first floor and Corner Pocket Billiards was on the second floor. The fire resulted in the demolition of the building.
