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Front Row (10): Debbie Starr, Bruce Hallett, Donald Martin, Jimmy Moore, ___?, Suzanne Lehto, ___?, Sandy Wuorio, Linda Lampila, Jean Byrne

Center Row (10): Florence Craig (teacher), Janet Brayden, Jimmy Stanford, Cindy Quirk, Susan…

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Front Row (9): Deb Starr, ___?, James Moore, ___?, Donald Martin, Sandy Wuorio, Robin Gott, Cathy LeMoine, Jean Byrne

Center Row (10): Robert Novick, Reggie Dunn, ___?, ___?, Brian Derby, Susan Alatalo, ___, Cindy Quirk, Lorna Kizik,…

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Front Row (11): Lisa LeBlanc, Karen Gunn, ___?, Philip Alatalo, Beverly Sheridan, Jim Kaskewicz, ___?, Cathy Kitowicz,Robert Young, Susan Caruso, Ellen Foster

Center Row (13): ___?, Roxan Rogers, Kevin Mulchey, Doug MacGlashing, Robert…

l to r Front Row (12): Blaine Keenan, Roger Hatch, Julie Goglin, ___?, ___?, James Jedneak, Bob Loomer, Susan Toivonen, Doug Allan, Christine Derie, Don Chisholm, Nancy Nevala Center Row (11): Mike Trioli, Mike Zancewicz, John Wasiuk, Joe Kane,…

A plaque commemorating Daniel Osborne, first printer in Maynard. Plaque hung in a Digital Equipment Corporation building.

l to r Top Row (8): Brian Nelson, Brooke Sheridan, Greg___?, Sarah Clark, Chris Gobel, Megan Caroon, Mike Guiney

2nd Row (8): Lori Larkin, Ross Ignachuck, Rachael Kapelle, Eric Berlied, Katie McCarthy, Shawn Dillion, Lynn Gillfeather, Jason…

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Top Row (6): Frank Hill (Principal), Brooke Sheridan, Anthony Klausinski, Sandra Cavichi, Jamie Salamone, Barbara Horman (Teacher)

2nd Row (2): ___?, Catherine Hickey

3rd Row (5): ___?, ___?, Eric Pronko, Lara Popienuick,…

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Top Row (5): Eric Coyle, ___?, Andre Sharp, Natalie Morales, Frank Hill (Principal)

2nd Row (6): Teresa Hickey, Jesse Forsythe, ___?, Steven Atwood, ___?, ___?

3rd Row (6): ___?, ___?, Mia Sheridan, ___?, Brad Crowther, ___?


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Front Row (9): Jeffrey West, Paul Raikunen, Sandra Corriveau, Roland Miner, Gregory Milan, Charles Navedonsky, Carl Fryatt, Jerilyn Dee, Alice Donoghue

2nd Row (8): Robert Fardy, Stephen Piecewicz, Edward Zenka, Harold Stanley, Carol…

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Front Row (8): Sandra Corriveau, James Ford, Francine Jome, Bruce Blanchard, Nancy Hanson, Leora Barry, Carl Fryatt, Robert Fardy

2nd Row (8): Joseph Connerney, Kathleen Helin, Marjorie Bouffard, Elaine Colombo, Jack Hackett, Alexander…

A certificate given by the National Commander recognizing the Maynard American Legion Post re-enrolling of 100% memberships for 1929.

A certificate given by the National Commander recognizing the Maynard American Legion Post prompt response to emergencies in 1936.

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Top Row (18): Maureen Lerer, Erik Tervo, Linda Machold, William Whitney, Alana Maki, Philip Saisa, Patricia Malloy, Francis Molle, Laurie Manning, David McKenna, Carol Wojsznis, Frederick Jaakkola, Jean Steeves, Jeffrey Hunter, Patricia…

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Top Row (5): John Mariani, Carl Fryatt, Richard Mariani, David Tompkins, Howard Perry

2nd Row (6): Richard Gorman, Michael Pileeki, Robert Ziman, Matthew Fouratt, Carl Michelson, Paul Wasiuk

3rd Row (7): David O'Loughlin, Bruce…

A painted wood sign with the words "Maynard Historical Society, Inc. 1871".

F. W. Woolworth Co., a national 5 & 10 cent chain, was located at 65 Main Street. Woolworth's came to Maynard in 1916 when the company purchased a local 5 & 10 owned by A. Z. Lloyd on Main Street, remaining in business until the mid-1990's.

A blue "Maynard" sign that is from the Boston & Maine railroad station which stood on the corner of today's Main Street and Railroad Street: 151 Main Street. From photos of the station this was one of, perhaps 3, signs that were on the side of…

A sign for George H. Creighton Boots & Shoes Store. The Creighton Block building was built in 1904 by George Creighton who had a shoe store there.

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Front Row (10): ___?, Alice Donaghue, Linda Gentsch, ___?, John Lent, ___?, Donna Sjoblom, Cynthia Pallian, Linda Gogolin, Elaine Colombo

Second Row (8): ___?, ___?, Ellen Sokolowski, Janice Wojtkiewicz, Dorothy Barilone, Janet Jarvinen,…

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Front Row (9): Sandra Rae, Judith King, Carol Maskiewicz, Jean Maria, Sheila Sweeney, Regina Pileeki, Judith Moore, Kathleen Tobin, Jean Russo

Second Row (9): Robert Jome, Joseph Kulevich, Anne McDonnell, Faith Lombard, Karen Stammers,…