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Alice Warren, who was a resident and school teacher starting in 1914, writes about her memories of the early years after she came to Maynard. Also included is Mrs. Warren's obituary.

A mug with the phrase "I'm Glad I'm Living in Maynard, Mass" inscribed on the outside surface.

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Likely a glacial erratic on top of hill between Thompson and Chandler Streets.

A metal sign that was removed from a garage used by Leo Comeau for storage of his ice truck and equipment.

A three act play presented at the Parker Street Hall in 1938. The play was directed by Hilda Aromaa, see the write up by Roy Helander compiled from the newspaper Raivaaja.

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1st - standing (7): Ida Stabell, Arvi Stabell, Otto…

One act play presented by the All American Club in Maynard, Fitchburg and Quincy.

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Ahti Jaakkola, Huldah Nelson, Roy Helander, Helen Mark Ketola

Four sepia colored photos of the cast of "The Kind Lady", January 1940. The first is of Huldah Nelson; the second photo is of Huldah Nelson; the third photo is of Huldah Nelson; and the fourth is of Huldah Nelson, Dick Elson, Helen Ketola, and…

A play program for "Kind Lady" presented January, 10, 1940, at Parker Hall, Maynard, MA, by the Maynard Dramatic Club.

A grouping of 18 black and white photos of the cast of "Kiss and Tell", presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club, dated Nov. 15, 1948.

A play program for "Kiss and Tell", presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club, dated November 15, 16, 1948.

A black and white photo of six young girls around a craft table. The photo is labeled "Dor-Car-Jo-Lyn-Gay Knitters and Krafters". A picture of the two leaders of the group is included. They are Louise Talboordet and Alice Edwards.

Operetta performed by the All American Club at Parker Street Hall.

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Orchestra: Fritiof Tofferi, Olga Musgrave, Edward Brennan, Tyyne Glad

Couple: Ellen Hangas, Roy Helander

A two act comedy presented at the Parker Street Hall in 1937 and 1938. See writeup from Roy Helander.

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1st photo: Aili Niemi, Eeti Saari, Roy Helander, Viola Kallio

2nd photo: Roy Helander, Viola Kallio

3rd photo: Helen…

Five black and white photos of the cast of "Ladies in Retirement", dated May 12, 13, 1947.

The play program for "Ladies in Retirement", dated May 12,13, 1947, presented by the maynard Dramatic Club, at the Parker St. Hall, Maynard, MA.

Six black and white photos of the cast of "Ladies In Waiting". The photos do not identify the names of the actors.

Photo: Back Row, Standing, 1st on left is Huldah Nelson.

The play program for "Ladies In Waiting" presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club, Nov. 1952.

Six color photos of the cast of "Mary, Mary" presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on March 5, 1966.

A play program for "Mary, Mary" presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club on March 5, 1966.

A poster (likely a lobby card given the condition)