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  • Tags: Lake Boon

James Clafkin, a Maynard man, who later became Deputy Supt. of the Boston Police, was an inspector at the time this picture was taken and as he also was a charter member of the Twilight Club for many years he brought his assoicates to Lake Boone for…

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Occupied for several summers by a group from Maynard

Aunt May 2nd from left, Uncle Joe 3rd from left, Wm. J. Tobin on right.

see A267 Post Card

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In 1906 Peter Wilcox and another Maynard man were granted a licence to operate a passenger boat from Maynard to Lake Boon. A boat house and landing wharf was built on the river near the Ben Smith Dam and a landing wharf was installed at Whitman's…

Although labeled a view of Lake Boon, it is likely a view of the Assabet River looking up stream at Russell Bridge.

A number of canoes at Lake Boon, possibly a race.

The Twilight Club was a social organization, founded by members of St. Bridget's church, which maintained a clubhouse on Lake Boone in Stow as a summer retreat for 60 years (1904-1964).

Dike at Lake Boone where water runs into the Assabet River.

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Contains a history by Ralph Sheridan, miscellaneous copies of information referring to the Twilight Club, the Secretary's Minutes from 1904 to 1964, legal documents pertaining to the sale of the property at Lake Boon in 1964, memberships, newspaper…

Four photos taken at Lake Boone of Girl Scout Troop III in June 1940 at Weavings Cottage, Hudson.

Photo of 4 girls in a canoe: Ann Hamlin, Anne White, Ann Hoffman, Eleanor Dimery.
Photo of 2 girls on the bank: Anna Luhaink, Shirley Garlick.…

Three views of the beach area and structures at Hanson's Beach. The right side of the building is the entrance with a snack bar and had a pin ball machine. The left part of the building was a changing area.

A photo book of cottages, activities and people when the lake was a destination for summer life.

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John Joseph Tobin was born in Maynard, April 17, 1925 to William Tobin and Mary Murphy Tobin. John attended Maynard public schools as a member of the Class of 1944 however he left school early to join the Navy in 1942 to fight in WWII. He…