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  • Tags: Naylor Block

A cosmetic store at 3-5 Nason St.

Operated by Samuel Lerer who is the father of the present owners of the New Idea Store.

This is the Nason Street entrance of the store that occupied the Naylor Block at the junction of Nason and Main Street. The Naylor Block was destroyed by fire in 1917. S. R. Garland, dentist had his office on the second floor.

Four photos of the Nason Street School Fire, 1916, and four photos the Naylor Block Fire,1917, pasted on black paper.
Naylor Block Fire: Fire broke out in the night of February 11, 1917 and by the morning had destroyed the Naylor Block that…

Fire broke out in the night of February 11, 1917 and by morning had the entire business block that extended from Nason St. around the corner to the bank building on Main Street. Several tenants routed from the second floor and also the Telephone &…