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  • Collection: Centennial

A booklet describing the 50th Anniversary Souvenir Medal. Included is a 50th Anniversary Ribbon worn by Town Officials, dated April 19, 1921.

A program brochure for the "Fashionable Ladies" Fashion Show held Monday, June 28, 1971 during the Maynard Centennial Celebration. A fashion show comprised of women's clothing from 1833 to 1928. The show was hosted by the Main Charter Belles.

Two tickets for a fashion show put on by the Main Charter Belles, in Maynard High School Auditorium, on June 28, 1971, 8:00 PM.


Centennial Medal Souvenir 1.JPG
Six Centennial souvenirs, which were based on the commemorative medals that were commissioned for Maynard's centennial celebration in 1971.

The face of the medal has the likeness of Amory Maynard, after whom the town is named. It is…

A brochure issued in April 1971 that shared pertinent information about the Centennial Celebration and related Committees.

Badge worn by Committee Members during the 50th Anniversary Celebration, dated April 19, 1921.

A program for "A Concert" held during the Centennial, dated Sunday, June 27, 1971, held in Maynard High School Auditorium.

A copy of the Assabet Valley Beacon published on June 24, 1971 was found in the Maynard Centennial Time Capsule. The Capsule was opened in 2021.

This was likely given to Maynard at the time of the centennial, 1971. Ayer was incorporated in the same year as Maynard, 1871.

A ticket to one of the many events that occured at the time of Maynard's Centennial.

A Certificate noting Guy J. Talbourdet is member in good standing with the Brothers of the Brush, issued in 1971 at the 100th Anniversary celebration. It is signed by Robert Tobin, Chairman, and Emile Genest, Chairman .

A set of Membership Rules…


The 'Brothers of the Brush' were a group of men in Maynard who grew beards during the Centennial Year 1971. Brothers of the Brush Charters were issued to the following groups: 'The Muskrats'; the 'Deer Slayers'; the 'Milltowners'; the 'Smoke…

Four cream and black badge for Brothers of the Brush worn during the Maynard Centennial.

Guest name inserts in a plastic case with a blue ribbon.

A packet of 5 color photos of the Centennial Parade, July 4, 1971. Posted is a photo of "Looking Down Main Street".

King Square Diner was located on Gruber property at 123 Main St. It was by the Bridge.

Next on the left is Gruber Bros.…

A photo of the "Brothers of the Brush", 1971.
Front: Paul Murphy & Jon Armour.

Rear: Bob Azier, Bob Tobin, and Tom Campbell.

The Ball was held at the Concord Armory.

Photo 1:
1) Mary Kurowski; 2) Victor Kurowski; 3) Vera Leithead; 4) Wendel Leithead; 5) Mary Sheridan; 6) Ray Sheridan; 7) Betsy Shaw; 8) George Shaw.

Photo 2:
1) Mary Kurowski;
2) Victor…

The Centennial Ball was held at the Concord Armory on the 18th of June and was attended by more than 600 people. Ticket #1 has Ralph Sheridan signature on the back. Ticket #100 has a donation statement.

The Selectman purchasing Ball tickets.
l to r
Eileen Duggan, Betsy Shaw, Will Dodd, Ray Sheridan, Howard Boeske, Mary Kurowski, Tom Cocco, Vera Leithead

Two blue and white banners used during the 1971 Centennial Celebration. The first was hung on the side of a car representing the Maynard Centennial Committee, and the other was on a car representing the Maynard Historical Society. They were used…