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A bucksaw used by the Erkkinen Family.

Three wooden Assabet Mills shipping crate slats. These were remnants of shipping crates used to ship products.

Four brochures describing the benefits available for Digital employees including medical, retirement, sick leave, vacation, stock options, tuition etc...

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Alice Boeske, Sara Boeske, Louis Boeske, Betty Boeske, Polly Boeske

2nd photo: Louis Boeske on a motorcycle at an earlier time.


This axe was presumably made in Stow. It bears the name of O. Sawyer and J. Rogers (etched in smaller letters below Sawyer) on the blade. It was found in the old barn at William Salo's. The Salo barn stood for many years on Great Rd. at the…

A wooden bread paddle used to take loaves of bread out of a large oven at the new VFW building at the corner of Main and Harriman Streets.

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This wooden tool was used to measure board feet in a pile of lumber.

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This tool was used to measure the thickness of trees.

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An old, green-painted bucksaw approximately 125 years old, used to cut cord wood.

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An ice pick from the W. O. Strout & Co.

A heavy duty mop from mid 20th century.

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Massachusetts House of Representatives recognition certificate for Mildred Duggan, recipient of the Boston Post Cane award.
Robert DeLeo and Kate Hogan elected officials

High School diploma awarded to Margaret Ann Duggan.

James P. King, Principal
Charles H. Walker, Superintendent

School Committee:
Eason Cross
Edward McPherson
Oswald C. Dreschler

F. Mattioli, Principal; G. Piantoni, Class Advisor
Class Officers: E. Mullin, Treasure; W. Crowther, President; H.
Jenkins, Vice-President; K. Grandell, Secretary

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1st row: A.…

State law requires the town boundaries be verified every 5 years. During November 1975, DPW Superintendent Tom Sheridan took Selectman Tom Cocco and Dick White along with Dick's two sons, Denis and Charlie, to perambulate and date the…


1. Mary Wood at desk with John Farrar in foreground.

2. Mary Wood with students Jean Wicks (l) and Janice Wojkiewicz (r)

3. Mary Wood on a class trip.

Green Meadow School was built to replace the Woodrow Wilson School on Main Street that was destroyed by fire in December 1952. The opening of the Green Meadow School took placed in the autumn of 1956.

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Lawrence Gomes, Special…

1. 1930's in front of barber shop on Waltham Street.
2. 1960's with an unidentified customer
3. 1960's view of the shop on Waltham Street
4. 1980's giving a home haircut

This tool was used to measure board feet in a pile of lumber.

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A set of hands from the Mill Clock. The clock was built in 1892 by the Assabet Manufacturing Company and completely refurbished by Digital Equipment Corporation in 1980.