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  • Tags: postcard

This a folded card. The Address side had to be exposed via Post Office Regulations.

Card was sent by Frank Hearon

Card was sent by George Bradley

Assabet Mill and Mill Pond on left, St. Bridget Church on the right, Main Street School in the center

Postcard is mislabeled, actually Sunset should read Summer. There is no Sunset Hill in Maynard?
The three large buildings across the pond are on Main St.

The top photo postcard shows a horse driven hook and ladder truck. Horses were last used in 1923.
The bottom photo postcard has the same four fire fighters on the recently purchased motorized hook and ladder.

The fire station was located on Nason…

Two photo postcards with pictures taken by Arvid Blad. The subjects are unidentified. Blad was active as a photographer in Maynard in the period of 1908 - 1915.