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  • Tags: woolen mill

A ledger beginning in November 1884 through September 1901 reporting the various accidents that occurred in the woolen mill. These include deaths, amputations, broken bones, bruises, lacerations etc. The author of the ledger is unknown. Many of the…

This "curfew bell" signaled to the mill employees that by 9 p.m. each night they were to be home and in bed. Amory Maynard warned that any of his employees found on the streets after the bell tolled would lose their jobs. In October 1935, the bell…

During the flood of the Assabet River on March 13,1936, the river rose high enough to spill over its banks and to include the Walnut Street machine shop in mill Building No. 11 as part of the river.

This is one of the large boilers used to heat the mill buildings. The boilers could be fired by either gas or oil with an easy conversion.

This large floor safe was installed in the main office building in the Assabet Mills.

This shuttle with a bobbin of Khaki yarn was used in the Assabet Mills during World War One.

Photo negatives included.

At first, the traditional wooden waterwheel was the prime mover in the Mill. Power was transmitted to the machines in different parts of the mill buildings by an intricate series of shafts and belts.

With the installation of a dynamo in the new power plant, electricity became available and on September 1, 1902, a contract was made between the American Woolen Company and the Town of Maynard for lighting the streets of the town. Thus, the old…

Carding step 1.
The wool fibers are straightened and smoothed as they go through one cad cylinder after another. The photo 318.a shows a section of a back winder.
Carding step 2.
After carding, the wide, thin web of wool fiber into strips.…

Fabrics are steamed, brushed, sheared and pressed during this series of operations. The nap is raised by brushes and then cut to a uniform height by the huge shear blade, which operates like a stationary lawn mower as the fabric is fed under it.…

In 1862,the mills became the Assabet Manufacturing Company. The small wooden buildings were replaced by brick buildings of enlarged capacity. New machinery was installed, and the manufacture of carpets changed to the manufacture of blankets, flannels…

Wool sorters seperate the the newly arrived wool and sort the fibers according to type, grade and length.

Left to right: Frank Grieve, A. Carlton, W. Spatt, W. Bain,______, George Stewart.

Photos of individual Woolen Company Employees 1935.
2013.241- 244
(top left)G. Stuart, mill chemist (top right) H.C. Johnson. production manager. (bottom left) Frank Brayden, boss fuller
(bottom right) Roy Nelson,…

Operator in Weave Room March 19, 1901.

Employees of the dry finishing department 1905.
Front Row:
Second from left Albert C. Fourth from left P. Carbone