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A side cap with blue piping vintage World War II

Maynard VFW Post 1812 Life Member side cap.

The side caps have buttons of the various state convention attended.

A Sub District 8 Commander and Asst. Sgt. At Arms side cap Legion Post 235.

Three side caps from the Legion building on Summer Street.

Two WWII magazines subscribed by Peter Hogan that relive the battles and personnel of the war.

A child's cast iron shoe form used as a doorstop.

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A rough-hewn wooden shoe form for a cobbler. Shoemakers made shoes first by making wooden "lasts," or blocks of foot-shaped wood carved into different sizes.

The flag was given to Jim Mertz by a Korean girl when he served in Korea.

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Front Row: Ray Wuorio, Peter Jarvi, Guy Iannuzzo, Marge Iannuzzo, Ed Cossette

Back Row: Bill Morrow, Joe Thomas, Bob Murray, Joe Fraser, Stewart Campbell, Denny Marchant, Al Dentino, Bob Smith, Harold Carle, Richard Conniff

A promotional flyer for an Open House at the Legion's home on Summer St. celebrating: 75th Anniversary of American Legion Post 235, 75th Anniversary American Legion Auxiliary Unit, 50th Anniversary of Girls State in Massachusetts, and the 50th…

A Meritorious Service and Loyal Cooperation Citation in honor of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Frank J. DeMars, American Legion Post 235.

Signed by Ruth C. Jones and Stewart J. Campbell

A certificate presented to the Auxiliary for their active participation in the Prisoners of War/Missing in Action Program.
Sign by Jean Lewandowski and Florence R. Fisher

A 'sad' iron from 19th century to early 20th century.

A brown wood mortar (pestle has been separated).

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A magnifying glass used by Miss Maggie Duggan in the Sewing Department at the Assabet Mills.

These were used as an alarm on the streets before there were sirens. It is exceptionally loud! They were also called Halloween Noisemakers, with possible origination in Germany.

Maynard hosted a band jamboree in the spring of 1965 of high school bands from several towns.

1st & 2nd photo: Band on Great Road at the entrance of Alumni Field
3rd photo l to r: Walter Mullin ('66)
___?, Karl Aromaa ('66); Color Guard

Band members at half time performance at a football game.

1st photo: Russell "Rudy" Lattuca ('65)

2nd. photo: from the right, Janette Tompkins ('68), Shirley Grant ('68), Debbie Gott ('69), Pat Bennett ('68)

3rd photo: from the left, Paula…