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John Loiko, Pasty Lalli (Victor Lally), Edward __?, Jacob Swartz, Bernard Kankanpaa, Edwin Gustafson, Edward Bobik, Sophie Lankieing (?), Mary Kurowski

l to r
Front (1-5): William Glickman, Nicholas Rudziak, Joseph Petrowsky, John Ranta, Peter Kipryanchik

2nd (6-13): George Ryan, Frederick Keegan, Werner Machold, William Liverman, William Brindley, Bernard Priest

3rd (14-23): Irene Crowley,…

Two metal street signs: Summer St. & Summer Hill Rd.

A wood crate that looks like it may have held produce.

EPSON021 e(2).jpg
A correspondence envelope from the Summer Hill Lodge No. 135 of Ancient Order of United Workmen (A.O.U.W.) Maynard, MA

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Banner of the Ancient Order of the United Workmen, instituted in Darling's Block, January 25, 1892. They disbanded in the late 1920's. It was a fraternal beneficial society.

Summer Hill Glen Elderly Housing Plaque dated 1976.

A post card photo of Bowman reading parade instructions from the stairs of Taisto Hall (Parker Street Hall). It is dated July 1913.

Two copies of the Summary of the Appraisal Report for the Board of Assessors, dated 1931, for the American Woolen Mill properties. This Report was produced by Maurice F. Reidy, Worcester, Mass.

The documents include a report by the Regional School District Planning Committee (shown), Amended Agreement, Finance Committee Report, Maynard's Process, Notes on Regionalization Survey, Maynard Regional Study Questionnaire and the Curriculum…

A black and white photo of Paul Turner of Suburban Floors, at 12 Nason Street, Maynard, MA. This was formerly the Army and Navy store.

Instructor Ed Hilton teaching students with the PDP-8/S (ASR-33 teletype next to student on right).

Instructor Ed Hilton teaches basic computer technology on PDP-8 computer to Maynard students.

Tommy Kane and Paula Saarinen looking at books in the Maynard High School Library at Great Road.

A group of students, probably on their way to/from a field trip, on a Maynard Bus Service bus. Joe Mancini the owner and driver was present to the right of the bus.


Photograph of students exiting a bus operated by Marty's Taxi Service to attend swimming lessons at Lake Boon.

(David Heitanen)

A student speaks to the audience gathered in Glenwood Cemetery (?) as part of a Memorial Day observance. (NOTE: Picture is currently reversed and will be fixed.)

Benny Sofka wore this sweater as the manager of the football team, 1932 - 1934.