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  • Tags: CO1914

The senior class made a trip to Washington up to WW1.


A 27-page scrapbook journal of the Maynard High School Class of 1914 trip to Washington D.C. including a narrative journal by Herbert Martin interspersed with numerous postcards and other memorabilia of the various points of interest visited during…

A black and white photo of a collage of individual students from Grades 10, 11, 12 in 1914.

Left to right, top to bottom:

Top: Grace Parkin, Claude Hair, Raymond Smith, George Cuttle, George Stewart, Albert Murphy, Mabel E. Taylor, Madeline…

l to r
Seated: John Gibbons, Madeline Wall, Julia Sheehan, Margare Dunn, Wilford Hooper

Standing: Mabel Taylor, Albert Murphy, Genevieve Coughlin, Mildred Randall, Whitney Bent, Herbert Martin, Rose Jackman, Ralph Cheney, Hazel Easthope

A sepia picture of the teachers in Maynard, MA in 1914.

Left to right:
Front: Mary Finn, Emma Jordon, Ellen Leonard, Gladys Daggett, Francis Brick (Superintendent of Schools), Edna Locke, Veronica Burdo, Lola Carter

Second: George Kennedy,…


A sepia picture of a third grade class in the Nason Street School, Maynard.


A sepia photo of Grade 1 students in front of the Main Street School in 1905.
(l to r)
Front (9): John Wickman, ___Woods, Cecilia Moynihan,___Woods, Amy Peterson, John Kane, Watson Connors, Margaret Brophy, Leo White

Second (7): Anton Peterson,…


Graduates: Whitney Jonathan Bent, Ralph Holt Cheney, Genevieve Mary Coughlin, Margaret Layden Dunn, Hazel Elizabeth Easthope, John Thomas Gibbons, Wilford Priest Hooper, Rosella Agatha Jackman, Herbert Webster Martin, Albert Robinson Murphy, Grace…


Program from the 2007 Induction Ceremony for the Maynard High School Athletic Hall of Fame, held November 17, 2007, at the Maynard Lodge of Elks. The booklet contains the Hall of Fame Mission Statement; a letter from Ed Mullin, Committee Chairman; a…