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Milk Basket and Bottles
United Co-operative Society
United Co-Operative Society wire milk carrier and 10 - 1 quart bottles.
Cooperative Hall after the fire - 1936
Riverside Cooperative Building, built in 1882, destroyed January 30, 1936.(Rebuilt as the Knights of Columbus building, corner of Nason St. and Summer St.)
Fifty Years of Progress 1907-1957
The Story of the United Cooperative Society of Maynard
A history of the Maynard United Cooperative Society from its inception in 1906 through 1957. Contains facts, names, photos and charts in its 32 pages.
Maynard Weavers
...the story of the...
United Co-operative Society of Maynard
Two copies of a detailed history of the Maynard Cooperative Society (Kaleva Cooperative Association) from its inception in 1906 through 1940. Published in 1941 and written by Frank Aaltonen.
(Note: One copy was unbound for conservation and…
(Note: One copy was unbound for conservation and…
Calendar - 1973
United Co-operative Society
The last calendar published by the United Cooperative Society
Check Coupon
United Co-operative Society
To discourage a large number of people coming to the cashier's office to cash checks on payday, a charge of 10 cents was made and a coupon issued redeemable in the supermarket when shopping on purchases of $2.00 or more.
Oil Delivery Receipt
United Co-operative Society
Eight oil delivery receipts from 1970 to 1973 of oil delivered to Edmund Rubin.
Stock Certificate
Maynard Co-operative Milk Association
Certificate for one share of the Capital Stock of the Maynard Co-operative Milk Association issued to Mikko Saari on April 1, 1915. This Association became part of the Kaleva Co-operative Association in 1917.
Yard Sticks
United Cooperative Society
These are a sample of the yardsticks in the MHS collection. They were used both as advertising tools and in some cases measuring intruments to determine amount of oil/kerosene in a 55 gallon drum. Note telephone numbers: 540, TW 7-2951, 897-2951
20th Anniversary Program
United Co-operative Society
This program contains photos and a history written entirely in Finnish.
Envelopes - 1938
United Co-operative Society
Two envelopes from the United Cooperative Society, 56-62 Main Street, Maynard, Mass., dated 1938.
Dance and Entertainment Program
United Co-operative Society
A leaflet announcing a musical program for November 4, 1934 and a dance on November 3, 1934.
United Cooperative Society
A newsletter published periodically to keep the members informed about the Co-ops activities. This is one of many CO-OP NEWS in the MHS collection.
Share Certificate
Kaleva Co-operative Association
One share purchased by Mikko Saari in the Kaleva Co-operative Association later to become the United Cooperative Society.