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  • Tags: yearbook

Three photos used in the 1947 Screech Owl, the Maynard High School yearbook.

Top Photo: Graduation and Class Night speakers
l to r
Standing: Mary Hogan, Ray Van Vose, Isabella Koski, Al Goodrich, Ruth Wilson, Ed Arcieri, Elinor Case, John…

Two photos used in the 1948 "Screech Owl", the Maynard High School yearbook.

Top Photo: Social Science Faculty
l to r
Charles Manty, Ruth Clair, Stan Bondelevitch

Bottom Photo: Faculty Members
Elinor Colburn, music; Dick Lawson, physical…

Three photos used in the 1949 "Screech Owl", the Maynard High School yearbook.

Top Photo: Fashionable Seniors
l to r
Standing: Anna Johnson, Anna Belli, Ann Thompson, Ann Hinds, Ann Luker,
Seated: Nancy Stalker, Nancy Weskstrom, Shirley…

A photo used in the 1950 "Screech Owl", the Maynard High School yearbook.
The Junior Women's Club Officers are:
(l to r)
Front: Margorie O'Connell '50, Sara Boeske '50, Joanne Paananen '50, Mary Sullivan '50
Back: Marie Sawyer '51, Carol Clark…

The Screech Owl was first published in 1927 as a booklet with the news of the going ons at Maynard High School. Over the years it evolved into a full fledged yearbook.

The top photo is the cover of the 1939 issue. The bottom photo is the third…

The Columbiad was a precursor of what later became the yearbook, The Screech Owl.

Early HIgh School newspaper published in three numbers. This is the May number.

The Staff: Raymond Veitch, Agnes Richardson, Carl Persons, Marion Blanchard, Teresa Heffernan, Beatrice Sunderland, Grace Bishop, Frances Gould, Florence Whittaker,…

In 1927 the Screech Owl was the high school newspaper. It's last edition in 1927 became the yearbook.

The inaugural issue of the "Screech Owl" was a big deal and we have a bound copy in the Collection (it is available in the online yearbook…

In February 1927 the first issue of the Maynard High School newspaper was issued. entitled the "The Screech Owl - Maynard High". In June of that year the last issue of 1927 became the school yearbook, retaining that moniker into the present. …

This is the "First Anniversary Number", a special edition of "The Screech Owl" newspaper published in March 1928.

This is not a yearbook.

The Staff: Leo Mullin, Sylvia Ahola, Samuel Gilman, Maurice White, John Horan, Bernard Green, Irma Ryssy,…

This is the "Senior Number", a special edition of "The Screech Owl" school newspaper.
Staff: Mark Kelley, Vieno Sneck, Walter Brayden, Alex Balnis, Salme Wirkkanen, William Ledgard, Catherine Coughlin, Sirkka Hurme, Burton Gruber, Winifred Tobin,…

This is the "Anniversary Number", a special edition of "The Screech Owl" school newspaper in March 1930.

The June issue is the yearbook.

Staff: Mark Kelley, Wieno Sneck, Walter Brayden, Raymond Paul, Reino Grondahl, Simmon Seder, Leona…

This is the "Anniversary Number", a special edition of "The Screech Owl" school newspaper in April 1931. This is not a yearbook.

Philip Wilson, Catherine Coughlin, Raymond Paul, Sidney McCleary, Simmon Seder, Stanley Wojtkiewicz, Leona…

This is the "Fall Number", one of several editions of "The Screech Owl" school newspaper/ literary magazine published during the school year 1932-33.
This is not a yearbook.

Paul Wilson, Ruth Bishop, Bradford Case, Willis Stockbridge,…

The Screech Owl was a news/literary publication produced several times a year. The June Number was a yearbook like edition.

William Ledgard, Jeannette Gruber, Sidney McCleary, Bradford Case, Stanley Wojtkiewicz, Willis Stockbridge, Edith…

This is the "Senior Number", a special edition of "The Screech Owl" student newspaper.

Paul Wilson, Loraine Koch, Bradford Case, Walter Sweeney, Stanley Wojtkiewicz, Edward Hoffman, Ruth Weir, Ellen Taival, Dorothy Glickman, Elmer…

Early High School literary magazine published several times throughout the year. This is the June / Graduation issue. It contains editorials, short stories, alumni notes, athletics news, school news and other tidbits. Click on the image at the right…

Early High School literary magazine published several times throughout the year. This is the June / Graduation issue. It contains editorials, short stories, alumni notes, athletics news, school news and other tidbits. Click on the image at the right…

Early High School literary magazine published several times throughout the year. This is the June / Senior issue. It contains editorials, short stories, alumni notes, athletics news, school news and other tidbits. Click on the image at the right to…

Early High School literary magazine published several times throughout the year. This is the June / Senior issue. It contains editorials, short stories, alumni notes, athletics news, school news and other tidbits. Click on the image at the right to…