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A railroad issued chart of the cents of freight per 100 lbs.

A Boston Globe clipping of an article about the Silver (25th) Jubilee of the founding of St. Bridget's Church, January 1919. Rev. J. Albert Crowley, Rev. William F. McGrail, and Rev. john J. Sweeney(Curate of St. Bridget), Rev. Edward F.…


A newspaper clipping showing Mr. William Joyce of Maynard as Paul Revere. He is pictured upon a horse ready for the annual April 19th re-enactment. The article is from the Boston Globe dated April 20, 1974. Mr. Joyce is a member of the National…

The sixth grade report card of Eino Nyholm, 1921-22, when he attended the Roosevelt School. The teacher was Mabel T. Bliss.

A Boston Sunday Globe publication that celebrates the 100th birthday of Abraham Lincoln, February 12, 1809. It was printed for the children of New England and their parents and shares his life's story 100 years after his birth.

Parcel 2 to be transferred to DE Realty Trust.


This document is a Boston University School of Medicine Admissions Ticket awarded to Elfrida Collins on October 12, 1897.

From the Special acts and resolves passed by the General Court of Massachusetts

Chap. 0198 An Act to Incorporate the Town of Maynard.

Be it enacted, Sfc, as follows:

Section 1. All the territory now within the towns of Stow and Sudbury,…

Bradley Container job and seniority lists in 1957.

Two letterheads from the Bradley Container Corporation

This was a confidential report to the Directors of the Bradley Container Corporation after its first year of operation. It is a first-person account, presumably by the company president, Bradley Dewey (or another high-ranking executive).

Inscription on the frame: "To Alton W. Suis? of Maynard with regards to a good Republican from a Democratic Town. Robert Bradford"


MHSA 2019.611a.JPG
Book includes inscription: "Cora Edwards, With the Love of Mrs. L. Maynard".

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A selection of 22 photos from the Maynard Fire Station Grand Opening ceremonies on January 21, 2023 at 30 Sudbury Street.

An advertisement card dated November 1931. George H. Gutteridge's store offers gifts and watch, clock, and jewelry repair. The store is located at 15 Nason Street, Maynard, Mass. The telephone number is 115.

Ink blotter promoting the cost savings by using Middlesex Laundry.

A window card by the Strand Theater box office for movies during the week of August 14, 1931

The window card advertises the movies of the week of October 11, 1931. The Strand was located in the former Colonial Hall location.

A window card advertising movies for the week beginning in Aug. 7, 1931.

A box office window card advertising the movies beginning the week of Aug. 21, 1931.