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A section of the Annex was part of the WWII Army Ammunition Depot in Maynard. The additional maps are enlargements of the full map.

This station was located at the corner of Powdermill Road and Waltham Street. This photo is likely taken in the 1940's.

Volume Three of a series of three ledgers documenting the death and funeral of those buried from the Twombly Funeral Home. Volume Three is dated January 20, 1950 to April 5, 1956. Individuals are entered by name, address, occupation,race,…

Volume Two of a series of three ledgers documenting the death and funeral of those buried from the Twombly Funeral Home. Volume two is dated January 4, 1941 to December 28, 1949. Individuals are entered by name, address, occupation,race,…

Volume One of a series of three ledgers documenting the death and funeral of those buried from the Twombly Funeral Home. Volume One is dated January 4, 1926 to December 26, 1940. Individuals are entered by name, address, occupation, race,…

Two orange 12" rulers that advertised W.E. Aubuchon Hardware Store. The inscription reads: "W.E. Aubuchon Co., Hardware, Sapolin Paints, Plumbing Supplies".

The second photo has a note pointing out the Music Hall (or the Rink) on Main Street. The woolen mill smoke stack is seen upstream of the Assabet River.

The first Valentine is of a girl and boy ice skating and was sent by Francis. The second Valentine is of a little girl in a field. It is addressed to Joey Boothroyd and is from Helen.

Two Maynard decals promoting the Town of Maynard and the Town of Maynard Public Works Department. The second decal has two copies.

Two metal torchlights possibly used for outdoor lighting. These are from the Parker St. Hall.

Two printed receipts from R. L. Davis. One was issued to W. Robinson and noted paid by Whitmarsh. The receipt was for $0.46. Another was to John G. Fothrick for $0.67, dated October 28, 1850.

Two promissory notes on behalf of Joshua J. Edwards for Warren Haynes and Abel Haynes. the first is for $250.00 and the second is for $1,300.00. Both notes of promise to pay were issued on September 28, 1893 and March 2, 1897.

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The Third and Fifth Proclamations issued as a call for eligible men to register with the Selective Service by President Roosevelt during the World War II years. The Third Registration Day Proclamation was issued January 5, 1942, to be completed by…

Proclamations on behalf of Selective Service Registration were issued by Gov. L. Saltonstall following President Roosevelt's Proclamations. The Third Registration Day in Massachusetts was set for February 16, 1942, 7:00 am to 9:00 pm. The Fifth…

Two wood powder horns.

Lister 020.JPG
Late eighteenth, early nineteenth century satin formal dress. Hand crafted for special occasions.


Two pairs of wire rimmed clip-on sunglasses. Clip-ons were first introduced in the 1940's. There are two different shapes to the lenses.

The antique heart-shaped lock was made by William Bohannan Co. with an 1879 Patent . It has an attached chain.

Both padlocks were used in the American Powder Mills Co. on their sheds.

Two clear glass bottles with the words: "Maynard Bottling Works, W. Keto, Maynard Mass.".

One bottle was found in the Assabet River and given to Niilo Keto.