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  • Tags: military

An official booklet with songs that the army could use including: The Star Spangled Banner, The Army Air Corp, Battle Hymn of the Republic, Oh! Susana, The Caissons Go Rolling Along and many others.

Six folders contain information relative to Maynard's involvement with World War II including extensive information on the Selective Service (draft) procedure, lists of those who served and died in the war, newspaper clippings, various histories and…

Information about the men from Assabet Village (later Maynard) who serve in the Civil War. Also a detailed biography about James Carney ( 1842-1925) who served in the war, written by Robert J. Kenney, Jr.

The file contains newspaper articles and general information about the construction of the park.

Three folders that contain WWI information relative to Maynard including: Notes by Ralph Sheridan for the History of Maynard Book, lists of Maynard residents who served in the war, newspaper clippings, Ralph Sheridan's musings about a radio…

On Sunday July 27, 1917 the entire Sixth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia was marching through Maynard on the way to Fort Devens, Ayer. Two months later they were on the way to France as the 26th or Yankee Division. About 40 Maynard…

This picture was created from a tintype.

The folder contains photos, newspaper articles and a history of the unusual car, "Leapin Lena" and other information, newspaper clippings and history of the American Legion.

The folder contains newspaper articles about Rufus B. Getman and Thomas Dugan , both veterans of the war.

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First Group:
Sgt. Charles E. Dyson, Co 3 FMS; Edward Ledgard (2)

Second Group:
Top - Lt. Ralph C. Shattuck, Engineer's Corp; Pt. Albert N. Hodgess, 73 CAC
Bottom - Pt. Roy C. Nelson, 104th Infantry; Corp. Walter R.…

Two of the floats in the parade to welcome home the men and women of the Armed Forces after World War I. The top photo is the float of the Rebekah Lodge. The float behind the automobile in the bottom photo is from the Middlesex Laundry.

The photo…

Top photo, left
Front, l to r: Percy Taylor, Jack Higgins, Don Connors, John Gibbons
Back, l to r: James Cronin, Pat Kane, Ray Smith, Eden Tobin

Dedication of Memorial Park and Monument on Sunday Nov. 15, 1925. Erected by the Town of Maynard to commemorate the service of her citizens in the Civil War, the Spanish-American War, and World War I. In honor of the those who served and in memory…

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Hartwell Flood, Guyer Fowler, __?

Picture taken at a military hospital in France. They had joined up with a group from Harvard College and were attached to the Ambulance Corp during the war.

Guyer Fowler was a grandson of Henry Fowler,…

Built on Summer Hill in January of 1942 by the American Legion and volunteers. It was manned 24 hours per day by local people and later taken over by the U. S. Army to protect the Ammunition Depot. The Army maintained the tower until the end of the…

The Army-Navy "E" Award was an honor presented to companies during World War II whose production facilities achieved "Excellence in Production" ("E") of war equipment. The employees received the pin.

An unopened metal box that presumably contains first aid supplies.