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Two copies of an Appraisal Report for the Board of Assessors, dated 1931, for the American Woolen Company. Maurice F. Reidy, Worcester, Mass, produced the Report.

Pictures taken at the time of a visit by Archbishop Sheen (1895-1979) to Maynard on the occasion of his birthday.
Right photo: Archbishop Sheen in the center with Fr. Louis Bilicky to his right.

Left photo: Archbishop Sheen seated on the left,…

Newspaper article dated February 10, 1977, describes Archbishop Sheen's third annual visit to St. Casimir's Church. He presided over a Holy Hour service with a procession. The cross-bearer was Roland Rozwadowski. Thurible and incense bearers were…

Newspaper clippings describing events at St. Casimir's Church, including welcoming Archbishop Sheen.

The article dated May 18, 1978, describes plans for a Fire Department Mass on May 21 at 8:30 to honor deceased brothers in service, as well as to…

Newspaper clipping of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen's visit to St. Casimir's to conduct his third annual Eucharistic Holy Hour on February 10, 1977. His initial visit was delayed due to bad weather. He was assisted by two Auxiliary Bishops of the…

A certificate awarded to Mr & Mrs. John Higgins recognizing the greatest number of family members serving in WWII.

Archibald Livingston (often with an E) was 7 years old in this photo. He was born in Maynard on 3 July 1888, the son of Douglas H. Livingstone and Emma F. (Henderson) Livingstone. Archibald's father, Douglas, was killed in a Powder Mill explosion…

A certificate given to Charles Clark in recognition for his contributions "by effort and efficiency while an employee of this company in winning the Army-Navy Production Award for Excellence in War Production"

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An Army ammunition pouch, with the name H. Mattonen printed on it. This pouch is part of a WW II Army memorabilia collection from Antonio S. Terrasi.

Edward Ledgard 3rd from left. Just before the regiment left for the march to Fort Devens in July 1917. They marched through Maynard on the way.

Edward Ledgard 3rd from left. Just before the regiment left for the march to Fort Devens in July 1917. They marched through Maynard on the way.

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One Army Jacket appears to be c. WWII. The second jacket and pants appear to be more recent issue.

An official booklet with songs that the army could use including: The Star Spangled Banner, The Army Air Corp, Battle Hymn of the Republic, Oh! Susana, The Caissons Go Rolling Along and many others.

For recruiting purposes, an army tank was positioned on Main Street in front of the old Post Office. Dwelling house on the left is about where Maynard Trust stands. (Now Bubier & Riley Ins.)

Used by Allan Webster when a member of the Snare Drum and Bugle Corps, Boy Scout Troop No. 1, Saint George's Episcopal Church: 1921-1924

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An Army WW II winter coat made from heavy-duty wool.

A certificate given to William Salo in recognition for his contributions "by effort and efficiency while an employee of this company in winning the Army-Navy Production Award for Excellence in War Production"

Arnold Anderson and an unidentified trophy winner at Anderson Ford.