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  • Tags: Ben Smith Dam

The Ben Smith Dam was built in 1847 by Amory Maynard to divert water into a dug out canal to fill Mill Pond. The water was used to run the wheels in the mill, wash the wool and for a sprinkler system.

Assabet River at the Ben Smith Dam, Naylor Block (junction of Nason St. and Main St.), Maynard High School, Assabet Mills (Digital) with Mill Pond.

Photograph of the Ben Smith Dam in October.

Top: B & M Bridge, Russell Bridge
Bottom: Ben Smith Dam, Main St. School

The Ben Smith Dam was built in 1847 by Amory Maynard to divert water into a dug out canal to fill Mill Pond. The water was used to run the wheels in the mill, wash the wool and for a sprinkler system.
This photo is a copy of a colorized postcard.…

The dam was built by Maynard and Knight to divert water to the mill pond in 1847.
The first four taken in 1970, the fifth in 1981, the sixth in 1988 and the last three winter views taken in Feb. 1969.

The dam with houses on Taft Ave. in the background.

A project to complete requirements for five students for a course at Tufts University. see abstract for scope and conclusions of the project,

The file contains reports, newspaper clippings and miscellaneous documents pertaining to the dam and the canal leading to Mill Pond.

Before the widespread availability of refrigeration one of the only way to keep things cool was with ice. Fresh water supplies, such as the Assabet River flowing through town, was a source of ice during the winter and a major industry grew up around…

Clock wise starting upper left: Ben Smith Dam, Junction of Main and Nason Streets, Mill Pond and Mill Buildings, Maynard High School