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  • Tags: ice

Given to their ice customers. Whitney & Hastings operated an ice, fire wood and coal company out of Maynard and South Acton.

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Complimentary promotion ice picks.

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Ice picks were a necessary item before electric refrigeration. Two picks from Maynard Ice Co., one from Strout.

Some of the models have been painted. One with Maydale Ginger Ale and another with J. Leo Comeau.
The toys are described as: Express Wagon-Horse Drawn, Ice Wagon-Horse Drawn, Fire Engine and Two Horses, Wagon and Horse, Maydale Deliver Truck.

The placard was placed in the window indicating to the driver that ice was needed.

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Standing in doorway, l to r
William H. Holly, Sr; Herbie Comeau, Eddie Lemoine, Joe Lemoine
Sitting on beams on truck, l to r
Leo Comeau, unknown worker

Holly and Comeau built the stone building in background, still standing on Acton St.…

In 1849 when the Marlboro Branch of the railroad was completed, a large ice house was erected by N.J. Wyeth where the Front Street houses now stand. It was of brick construction and held 40,000 tons of ice which was cut on the mill pond and shipped…

The ice house was built by Bent then later run by C. C. Murray and John Zaniewski.
The first photo was taken in 1903, the second is the remains after it burned in 1922 with the Concord, Maynard and Hudson Trolley chimney in the background, and the…

The ice house was built by John Comeau, later owned by Fred Taylor. It was located on the Stow side of the Assabet River by Russel Bridge, seen in photo.

Leo Comeau is in the straw hat, the keystone cop is unknown. No information available about the nature of the event.

It was located off of Mill Street.
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1st Photo:
Milton ( Jack) Whitney, Peter Jensen, Donat Gagne, Mary (Cheney) Mayberry, Gerald Lyons, Evariste Gagne (owner), Carl Swanson

2nd photo with the rolling stock:
Donat Gagne, Gerald Lyons,…

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The wood handle ice pick has advertising on the four sides:
1.RCA Victor
2.Gasoline, fuel, coal, coke, grain, bakery, dairy, provisions
3.Co-Op Best Milk and Cream
4. Compliments of United Co-operative Society, Maynard, Mass.

Golden Sheath Certificate, #25453 issued to Joseph Leo Comeau by the National Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, April 18, 1963

A newspaper write-up about Leo Comeau, the last of the icemen. In the business 55 years. The account appeared in the Boston Globe on January 4, 1962. Leo died in May 1964. (The account was obtained courtesy of Dick Elson, a native of Maynard. Dick…

These were the property of J. Leo Comeau, who was the last of the icemen to make deliveries in town. He delivered ice right up to the day he was stricken in May 1965. He used the apron when carrying the ice.

In 1849 when the Marlboro Branch of…

Before the widespread availability of refrigeration one of the only way to keep things cool was with ice. Fresh water supplies, such as the Assabet River flowing through town, was a source of ice during the winter and a major industry grew up around…