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Acme Theater Productions had its home in the corner basement of 61 Summer Street (former Fowler Middle School / ArtSpace Maynard) for 22 years. The Town broke the lease on the theater at the end of 2023 forcing the production company to seek a new…

Hans and John Eriksen were bom in Denmark and came to America in the late 1800’s. Hans was the oldest, bom in 1871 and died in 1948. John was bom in 1875 and died in 1941. There was also another brother who settled in the state of Florida.


The Dance Card has four pages tied together with a gold cord. This dance card belongs to Charles Kulevich and Joanna Aho.

Page 1: Class Officers: Louis Bachrach, President; Irene Dudzinski, Vice-President; Sylvia Manninen, Secretary; William…


Dance card from Valentine's Day 1936 for Charles Kulevich.

The Valentine's Day Dance was held in the Maynard High School's Washington Auditorium on Friday, February 14, 1936. Twelve names appear on page 3 of the Order of Dances. The majority of…

Senior Invitation Dance card from January 31, 1936 for Charles Kulevich. The Dance was held at the Maynard High School Auditorium.

Page 1:
Class Officers: Louis Bachrach, Class President; Irene Dudzinski, Vice-President; Sylvia Manninen,…


A dance card from 1936 belonging to Charles Kulevich and his date, Mary Chutoranski.

Page 2 - 3:
1) Mary & Charlie; 2) Josephine & Scot; 3) Sophie K. & Robert S.; 4) Walter & Helind; 5) Rita S. & Ignacy P.; 6) Wenar M. & Hellen W.; 7) H. Wozech…


A Senior Banquet placecard for Charles Kulevich dated May 14, 1936.


The Maynard Teacher's Club presented a drama entitled "The Hoodoo" on April 16 & 17, 1936 in the Maynard High School Auditorium. It was to benefit the Maynard Teacher's Club and the Student Loan Fund. The Hoodoo is a three act comedy with an all…


The 1936 Senior Class Play was entitled 'The Arrival of Kitty', a three act comedy, and presented on January 17, 1936 in the Maynard High School Auditorium. The program lists the students who acted in the comedy.


This is a program presented by the Maynard Dramatic Club called 'The Henpecked Hero', a three part comedy. The production was sponsored by the Frank J. DeMars Unit No. 235, American Legion Auxilliary.

Taylor's Chevrolet , 5 Acton Street,…

A gift from Becker College owned by Charles Kulevich


The eight golfballs were found by Jack Malcolm in October 2021 at the Maynard Country Club. All were dug out of wet and wooded grounds along the 5th fairway. At one time the area was used as a practice area but it was too far from the club house…

Promotional ruler for the restaurant operating at 38 Nason St., Maynard, Mass. The owners were Dick and Wanda Tobin.

Senior pictures of members of the Maynard High School Class of 1950.

(l to r)

Top Row: Betty Hatch, William White, Emily Maria, Joan Hinds

2nd Row: Arthur Wirtanen, Gertrude Parker & Barbara Priest, Dianne King, Gerald Tierney

3rd Row: …

Four Finance Committee Reports for Maynard, MA, 1980, 1983, 1984, and 1986. The Meeting took place in the Maynard High School Auditorium.