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A photo copy of M.S. Barlows class of 1881.


l to r: Edward J. Ledgard, James J. Hilferty, Thomas Hilferty

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l to r: Matt Campbell, Ed Ledgard, Spec White, Tom Mansfield, Jack Gallagher

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John E. Hannon in front of the Twilight Club at Lake Boon.

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A photo of Grade 5 students in front of the Nason St. School, in 1897.


A formal photo.

l to r
Front: Jack Mahan, Harry Rodway, Nick Driscoll, Mark Newton, Henry Ledgard, Thomas Breck
Back: Jack McInnis, James Murray, Joe Lambert, Mike(?) Joyce, Tom French, Tom Murray, Charles Spence

Contains information on the lodge- established circa 1925.


Written presentation to the Maynard Historical Society by Helen Mark Ketola on November 19, 1969 and other information about the Club.

The club presented a music event on March 14th, 1971 at Maynard High School. The program list many of the local companies as sponsers.

Officers of the club:
Harold Hicks , President
Robert Mayes, Vice President
Frances Schipper,…

Scene from the Finnish hist. play, "The Death of Elina", performed at the Parker Street Hall.

l to r: Huklah Nelson, Roy Helander, Waino Ojalehto, William Wehkoja, Ellen Hangas

Members of the ALKU marching in a parade, June 1931. Many of these marchers were most of the people that worked in the kitchen and helped serve the dinner at the annual summer festival.

Front two right to left: Naemi Kajander, Esther…

The picture was taken in May 1909 and has all the classes represented.

The names are:

Front Row (l-r): Edmund Hooper, J. Vincent Sweeney, Hartwell Flood, Harold Dufour, Kingsbury Perry, Allie McGrail, Hazel Phillips, Bill McGrail.

Second Row…

Four sepia pictures of the Maynard High School Class of 1909 on its trip to Washington, DC.


Misc. information on organizations in general and a list of start/end dates of Maynard clubs.


A monograph presented to Maynard Historical Society by B. Koski, November 1964


Monograph of the Association presented by B.R. Koski to Maynard Historical Society , November 1968

l to r
Front: Ralph Hill, Sr.; Thomas Murray, Fred Neuman, ___?, Fred Palmer

Center: Ralph Hill, Jr.; James Cowles, Roddy McIver, Jesse Billet, Jack Murray, Charles Spence

Back: ___?, Thomas Wright, Richard Allen, Robert Yahn, Ed Billet,…

Tim Nevins had a bicycle shop in Maynard where the Fine Arts Theater stands now.

Front to Back: Tim Nevins, Fred Binns, John Denniston, Thomas Denniston, Dennis Spain.

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