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A black and white photo of "Building 1 Illuminated" was Yu Hata's prize winning entry in Digital's Photo contest and was taken by a Pentax camera, set for a 2 second exposure at 5.6f stop.

l to r
Front: G. Soules, J. White, F. OBrien, W. Johnston, H. Lyons, J. Moynihan
Back: H. Morgan, R. Marsden, T. Marsden, W. Morrill, M. Vodoklys, W. Oates

In 1924 the American Woolen Company had a league comprised of several of the mill teams.…

A photo of the Assabet Mills, Building #1, in 1918.

A picture of the Assabet Mills swimming hole just right of the tree cluster off Thompson Street and Main Street, across the pond. The building is numbered 21.

The carpet was likely produced at the American Woolen Company Assabet Mill.

Photos of exterior of Assabet Mills taken by Robert McGarry

Photo on right shown as seen without 3D glasses.

A photo of the Assabet Mills taken from Beacon Street.

Photograph of Assabet Mills taken from Front Street in 1905.

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A picture of the American Woolen Co. Mills further up and off from Thompson Street. This picture is of Mill Buildings #1, and # 5, and the field that is now Digital parking lot.

Plan of Land and Buildings of the Assabet Mills, Maynard, Massachusetts owned by the American Woolen Company.

Scale: 80 feet to 1 inch

Major highlights and property references include:

Mill Compex (with building numbers)
Mill Pond (Water…

A stereograph showing Assabet Mills and the (then new) Walnut Street Bridge. The bridge was built in 1872, setting an approx date for the photograph. The photograph appears to have been taken from Thompson Street. The River Street Block and the…

A picture taken behind the block at River Street of the Walnut Street Bridge (note: ball-type globes on street lights on bridge), back of billboards, and the twin smoke stacks of American Woolen Mills.