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  • Tags: shoes

baby dress.jpg
The articles include: 2 muslin dresses for a doll, 2 blankets, 2 shirts, 1 hat, 1 pair of light blue shoes, 1 pair of long stockings, and 2 wraps, from the late nineteenth century.

A shop sign for A. Karan's Shoe Repair.

"P. H. Murphy, who had worked for many years for George H. Creighton in the shoe business., bought out Creighton's which was located on Nason Street. Mr. Murphy conducted the store for many years. At the time he was appointed welfare agent for the…

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Two pairs of Leroy F. Denniston's baby shoes.

A sign for George H. Creighton Boots & Shoes Store. The Creighton Block building was built in 1904 by George Creighton who had a shoe store there.

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A reproduction of a pair of green lace-up women's boots, in the c.1900 style.

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A pair of white, high-buttoned, leather shoes.

Three shoes belonging to the Hilander sons of 25 Glendale street. One complete pair and a single shoe of another pair. Both Hilander sons passed away tragically at a young age. One passed in the bathtub and the other was hit by a Maydale beverage…

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post cards E- 001.jpg
A card promoting Merrick Thread Company products sold by W. B. Case.

A pair of high-laced brown leather shoes made for women, ca1900. This pair of shoes was stocked in Oberg's Store on Main Street. They were given to Sara Boeske Patterson as a joke gift during the Christmas season of 1954 by Siggie Oberg and Tony…

A pair of green women's shoes from late 19th & early 20th century.

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These El Dorado-styled sandals were worn by Sylvia Mark at the Maynard High School 1938 Senior Prom. They were purchased at the W. Manninen shoe and repair store on Main St., Maynard, for $1.98. The money was earned by babysitting probably 30 hours…

Two shoe horns, one engrave with Oberg's and the other Florsheim.
Jacob Oberg founded the shoe store ca1903 on Main Street and then later moved to the Masonic Block. The store continued through family members until 1983 when it closed.

A souvenir china plate from Jacob Oberg Shoe Store. The plate shows the monthly calendars for 1913, and has the words: " Jacob Oberg, Dry goods, Boots & Shoes, Maynard, Mass".

The Jacob Oberg started the shoe store in 1903 at the lower end of…

A sepia-colored picture of the Thomas Naylor Shoe Store on the corner of Main Street and Nason Street. The picture shows five adults and three children, ca 1880.

The hooked-end tool was used to button shoes and spats, up to and into the early 1920's. The closed looped button hook was most likely used to button gloves.

A child's cast iron shoe form used as a doorstop.

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