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Sixty-Nine stereo viewing cards. These are non-Maynard views. Two shown: "Around the World" & "The Military Salute"

A program for "A Concert" held during the Centennial, dated Sunday, June 27, 1971, held in Maynard High School Auditorium.

A photograph made by an early process on a light sensitive, silver-coated metallic plate and then developed by mercury vapor. A process developed by L. Daguerre, a French artist (1787-1851).
The woman photographed is unknown.

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Front Row Sitting (7): Helmi Hilander, Sandra Maki, Hermanni Savikoski (groom), Anna Suorsa (bride), Jeeli Savikoski, Hannah Savikoski, Elviira Hiltunen - child standing is the son of Vaino & Tyyne Keto

Second Row (12): Emma Aho holding…

Owned by Gideon Foster


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A greeting card which seems to be a sympathy card. Inside is the name of Cora D. Edwards.

An account / recollection of the history of Bradley Container Corporation by an employee of the company. Details the introduction of the plastic tube to the U.S. market (a forerunner to the plastic toothpaste tube)

A compilation of articles that relates some of the highlights of Maynard's past.


Irving Burg wrote this history of the mills in Maynard at the time they were owned and operated by the Maynard Industries, 1953-1974.

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"This is an abridged translation of Alfons Ukkonen's book that was originally written in the Finish language for the Knights of Kaleva in 1996". The book reviews the origins of Knights of Kaleva in 1898 by John Stone, the meaning of Kaleva, a brief…

An extensive history of the department written by Henry T. Hanson. The picture is Henry Hanson.

A 176 page book summarizing the the activities of the Massachusetts Legislature of 1910. It includes the Senators and Representatives and their committee assignments. Albert Batley represented Boxborough, Hudson, Maynard and Stow.

A collection of short stories relating to the Town on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the Town's founding.


A research project by Elizabeth Dickinson for a Babson College Course in 1977. The research covers the following topics: genealogy of the Maynard Family, Marlborough Plantation, Assabet Manufacturing Co., American Woolen Company, and Digital…

A pair of Army boots issued to Antonio S. Terrasi during WW II. This item is part of a WW II Army memorabilia collection from Antonio S. Terrasi.

A 22 in. x 35 in. piece of the first material manufactured in the Assabet Mill when if started in 1847. Preserved and handed down through the Maynard family.

This piece of cloth was last owned by William H. Gutteridge. Mr. Gutteridge came to…

A programme for a recital held by Younger Pupils of Grace Chapman Phinney, Assisted by Chester Henry Parsons, Barytone Soloist, accompanied by Lucy Bigelow Bean and Robert D. Morse. The recital was held in Co-Operative Hall on Wednesday evening,…

A video salute to Ken Olsen produced by Gordon College in recognition of his long time support of the college.